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SpikeShotgun's avatar

Last Login: 02/10/2010 8:10 am

Registered: 09/27/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/06/1993

Real Life Me;

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I'm constantly on Myspace, Facebook, and gaiaonline and twitter.[ask for it]
I'm NOT here to hook up, flirt, or give my number out.
Take it for granted because it wont be here forever.
I'm pretty chill talk to me and we can be friends :3
Live your Life the way YOU want to live it.
I''m Gabrielle; Call me Gabby or Spike.
Donations and Avvi art is nice smile
I'm Confusing and Paranoid.
I love anime and manga.
I Love Charlie Roberts.
I'm 15 until August 7th.
I dye my own hair.
I love to cook.

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Charlie, candles, candy, family, friends, bunnies, phone convos, Myspace, Facebook, laughter,starbucks, coffee, driving, loud music, shows,flannels, v-necks, leggings,gauges, tattoos&piercings, late nights, movies, hoodies, mascara, 845, nyc, art, sleeping, the colors purple green and blue,honesty & trust, nestea iced tea, brownies, baking, Sleeping in.,Late nights. Summer breezes, paint, taking pictures, fashion,txting, laughter,boys, anime, video games, comic books, pokemon, vampires, twilight, elephants, blackberrys, stickers, veggieburgers, charlies cooking, kingdom hearts, 2D fighter games with charlie, big sweatshirts, anchors, Quotes, obnoxious sunglasses, snow, summer, white&red roses, Gaiaonline, twitter, writing, drawing, listening, lavender and vanilla scents, cuddling, being adorably cute, the cute thats so cute its discusting, gear of war, xbox 360, nintendo 64, nintendo DS, beanies, raymans raving rabbits, harajuku lovers G fragrence, all nighters, gloomy bear, plush dolls, cartoons, AIM, macbook, make up, bed head hair products, hair dye, purple, haning out, making out, kisses, hugs, snuggling with charlie,the beach, looking up at the stars, fireworks, reading a book near a window with sunlight on a comfy coutch, Frappacinos, Caramel, Caramel iced coffees, hairspray, goo goo dolls, fall out boy, papa roach, cell phones, jewelry, bright colors, bass guitars, august burns red, august, weddings, Partys, Arizona Iced Tea, That 70s Show, Love notes, Books, The Beach, Converse, Hair Extensions, Emily The Strange, Invader Zim, Squee, JTHM, Z?, Rag Doll Perfume, Jack Skellington, Make-up, Hair Straightners, Cell Phone Keychains.



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