okay first off, i dont know why you are reading this. but annyway. im not emo or goth or whatever els. i just like darker colors. im not gonna be the weirdo standing in a corner wishing everyone was dead, no ill be the weirdo who gose up to a random guy with my best friend, point at him and yell 'larry then run away, or hood people in the hallways at school, and me and my friend gabbie are already planning to crash a party. so no, im not the goth or emo kid, im the girl who has fun yet some how stays out of trouble. so naaaahhhh *sticks tong out* and yes i like green day, 21 guns, but its not my favorite song, it just gets stuck in my head really easily. mostly im into G N R (guns n roses) and older rock (cuz my brother was alays blasting queen and black sabith when i was 4-11, now im the one blasting the radio 24/7) im tired of typing for now but ill probly add stuff at some point in time.DREAM AVI

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=( ' ' )=
. (......)/
kitty ^^
(///_0) look its an emo guy <3