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SignOfTheApocalypse1339's avatar

Last Login: 06/03/2009 3:56 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/15


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This Is Me

Herro possibly random person visiting me. My name is Emily and I wish my hair was a cool as my avartar's. But its not. I'm what you call a tomboy, and most of my friends are guys. I'm addicted to video games, deviantArt (username: lipslikemorphinegirl), Cheezits (they are the crack of food-stuffs), band/music and late night drama TV (Bones, House, CSI, CSI:NY, Eleventh Hour, Criminal Minds, and Fringe). Half my friends play music in some way shape or form, the other half are usually friends of those friends or people met through conversations formed by boredom in high school classes. I am a junior (yesssss!) and if college is anything like my AP classes I'll sleep through college just fine. I write poetry and dramatic short fiction, though i'm working on something longer now. I fail at grammer and spelling and coordination. And if you can't tell by this long About Me I enjoy sharing random facts. ♥

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Heaven Send Hell Away

Rantings, poetry, short story clips, etc. I get bored easily. ♥


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Mrs_S_Snape Report | 03/07/2009 7:25 pm
Gifts are fun! But yea, I have a bunch of extra stuff, so I like giving my friends stuff especially when they are new. ^^
I'll go check and see about the trade. But basically, you just type your password in the box and hit offer trade and then do the same thing except the button will change to accept.
Mrs_S_Snape Report | 03/02/2009 4:09 pm
More like once or twice a week.
Mrs_S_Snape Report | 03/02/2009 2:58 pm
Nope, not at all. ^^
Mrs_S_Snape Report | 03/02/2009 7:50 am
And now for a REAL comment...Ello dear! Welcome to Gaia, if you have any questions, you can direct them to me. I'm on here a lot. ^^;; Anywho, let me know when you buy a trading pass, cause then I shall give you some stuffs. Oh and click here for a useful website.
Mrs_S_Snape Report | 03/02/2009 7:45 am
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I have stolen your comment virginity! ^^


Cognito Ergo Nom.

"I've been having an affair, with this jar of peanut butter! But it's okay cause I can glow in the dark now so all our troubles are over!" - Progression of a Mad Hatter


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