Viewing Candied_Pear's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Oh hai thar! I'm Candied Pear, but you can make up your own nickname for me. @^o^@
This is one of my several accounts (Which I am not at liberty to tell you the names of), therefore, I'm not a n00b..... please do not assume so.

Behold my dream avi!
User Image
Total Value: 74,775 Gold
[Item Information]

I still need:
Dancer Collar

If we talk a lot over comments, then add me! c: *shoots a look at my empty friends list, currently gathering dust and cobwebs*

PLEASE! I NEED FRIENDS!!! *foams at mouth* (lol, I'm not crazy, I SWEAR!)



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

F i n k k

Report | 08/21/2009 11:38 am

F i n k k

Haiii <3 :3
Sorry I haven't talked to you in sooo long.
I haven't been online. Dx
orry </3
How're yew though? o;

Report | 07/24/2009 4:33 pm


oh ok then
The Endangered Poptart

Report | 07/24/2009 1:06 am

The Endangered Poptart

lol its alright

Report | 07/23/2009 10:42 am


I should really start paying attention...
xD Such a large vocabulary span.
F i n k k

Report | 07/23/2009 9:30 am

F i n k k

I love using terms like ADOS all the time. xD<3
Cause I like being a terd that way. >3

&& Badass frandz are teh best! >=D!
[/goes on evil laughing spree] xD

So how've yew been? :3
Little Angel of Darkness

Report | 07/23/2009 8:56 am

Little Angel of Darkness

Mule account?
I use to have a lot of those but it just took too much time.
In the end I came back to my first one.
It just takes too much time trading back and forth when you get tired of one account.
I had mule accounts when the gifting thing was not made my life rather hard...
Oh well.

Report | 07/17/2009 4:55 pm


for 1 its not funny for 2? i thought he wat????
F i n k k

Report | 07/16/2009 9:26 am

F i n k k

I have no clue. o;
It sounds Mexican though. D: x3

&& Samee, almost. x3 Imma the type of person that gets involved in everyone's business somehow. =w=;
No one tells me anything, but I just end up in their personal life. xDD

Lulz, yew has ADOS too? >3 [attention deficit - OOO shiney! User Image ] x]

Haha, oh yush, I am teh most badass yew've never meet.
-nawt really- >8D
Little Angel of Darkness

Report | 07/16/2009 8:26 am

Little Angel of Darkness

Most people do though.
I have to keep changing mine to mix it up.
Otherwise I get board of just one avi.
Oh well though.
The Endangered Poptart

Report | 07/16/2009 1:00 am

The Endangered Poptart
