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Nami Mizuki

Nami Mizuki's avatar

Last Login: 02/12/2017 1:00 am

Gender: Female

Location: united kingdom

Birthday: 01/20

Occupation: student

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Hello! heart

My name is Nami and I am 19 years old. I like pretty things! Also I am quite an arty person.

heart I hope that we can be friends! heart


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Miss Brunei Report | 02/12/2012 8:33 pm
Miss Brunei
Miss Gaia Nations 2012 has ended. Click HERE to watch the crowning video. Thanks to all!
Miss Brunei Report | 01/31/2012 4:42 pm
Miss Brunei
Hello Miss Gaia Nations 2012 contestant! As part of our tradition, I invite you to vote for your favorite Top 7 contestant! Please post in my profile the name of the country you think will win the crown! If you are one of the Top 7, you can't vote for yourself! Thanks smile
Miss Brunei Report | 01/22/2012 9:48 pm
Miss Brunei
The swimsuit round has ended! Click HERE to see your performance in the swimsuit round and to know if you are one of the Top 14 semi-finalists! If you didn’t made it to the next round thanks for participating, I will send you 2k for getting this far. If you are one of the Top 14 delegates here are the instructions for the next round…

The fourth round is the evening gown competition. You must dress your avi with a nice gown and elegant items. Your avi must include heels, accessories, and obviously look very elegant. Remember to be very creative, combine all your items, and make sure your avi looks beautiful. Try your best because only 7 delegates will advance to the FINAL round. Please post in my profile when you are ready! The deadline is January 29. Here’s an example f this round!
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Miss Brunei Report | 01/18/2012 10:21 pm
Miss Brunei
thanks miss brunei! you can change now smile
Miss Brunei Report | 01/15/2012 7:12 pm
Miss Brunei
The cocktail dress round has ended! Click HERE to see the round’s video as well as the Top 21 who have advanced to the next round. If you didn’t made it to the next round thanks for participating, I will send you 1k for getting this far. If you are one of the Top 21 delegates here are the instructions for the next round…
The third round is the swimsuit competition. You must dress your avi with a nice swimsuit and TROPICAL items. Your avi must include heels, accessories, and a sarong, pareil, or towel. Remember to be very creative, combine all your items, and make sure your avi looks beautiful and sexy. No description is needed, and it doesn’t needs to reflect something of your home country. Only 14 ladies will advance to the fourth round. Please post in my profile when you are ready, the deadline is January 22. Here’s an example for this round!
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Miss Brunei Report | 01/11/2012 8:01 pm
Miss Brunei
thanks miss brunei! you can change now smile
Miss Brunei Report | 01/08/2012 5:56 pm
Miss Brunei
The National Costume round has ended! Click HERE to see the Opening of Miss Gaia Nations 2012! Also, see if you are one of the Top 28 lucky ladies who have advanced to the next round! Click Here to watch the video!

If you didn’t made it to the next round thanks for participating, I will send you some gold for your participation. If you are one of the Top 28 here are the instructions for the next round… The second round is the cocktail dress competition. You must dress your avi with a SHORT dress and heels. A purse or bag and jewelry need to be included as well. Remember to be very creative, to combine all items, and to make your avi look very beautiful and fashion. No description is needed, and it doesn’t needs to reflect something of your home country. Only 21 ladies will advance to the third round. Please post in my profile when you are ready, the deadline is January 15. Here’s an example for this round!
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Miss Brunei Report | 01/05/2012 12:26 pm
Miss Brunei
Thanks Miss Brunei! You can change now! The national costume competition scores will be shown in a video on January 8 as well as the Top 28. The special awards winners will also be shown in the video smile
Miss Brunei Report | 01/01/2012 1:25 am
Miss Brunei
Hello Miss Gaia Nations 2012 contestants! I should remind you that there's only one week left for you to submit your national costume. Thanks and happy new year!
Miss Brunei Report | 12/22/2011 12:58 pm
Miss Brunei
Hello Miss Gaia Nations 2012 contestants! I’ve decided to start the pageant earlier so you can relax on the next days (Christmas days). The first round is the National Costume round! You should dress your avi with a costume from your country and with items that represent it in some way. Remember to be very creative and to combine all items. You will need a TITLE and a DESCRIPTION for this round in which you will explain your national costume. Remember it’s a beauty pageant and your avi needs to look pretty, items that don’t belong to the theme will take points. The deadline for this round is January 8 so you have plenty of time to submit your entry. Please post in my profile your description when you are ready. Only 28 contestants will move on to the next round. Any doubts please tell me! Good luck!
Here’s an example of this round.
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Title: Rainbow intersection… Where traditions and modernity meet
Hi! This is Miss South Africa! My costume highlights my country’s most important aspects! My clothes represent the different tribes of South Africa; we have more than 8 official languages since we are a very diverse country! My skirt has my nation’s flag colors; we call it the rainbow flag! My earrings are made of gold which are mined in South Africa and provide wealth and money to the country. My background is also a mine, since many other minerals are mined throughout South Africa some of them are diamonds, uranium, and silver. I have a leopard also in my avi, since we have many wild animals in the savannah such as lions, monkeys and obviously leopards! I hold a famous vuvuzela, an instrument that was used in the 2010 FIFA World Cup which was the most important event held in my country and symbolizes the development my country has shown in the last decades. Welcome to South Africa, the rainbow intersection where traditions and modernity meet! Thanks!


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