Hello, I am Yanni Chi. I've been on gaia for a while now, on and off. I've just realized how easy it is to get gold! Daily chances, posting, voting, and playing games (especially zOMG)! I got a bunch of gold and spent it on my house. Now it looks wonderful (and dark o_o") If you ever want to do your car, Aquarium, avi and house, I suggest you do them in this order: House, Car, Aquarium, Avi. You want to focus on your house first because the staff haven't even updated or given you new furniture to pick out. Car should be next. Its easy to do and the Achievements aren't too hard. Aquarium is next. There's new stuff to get occasionally but its easy to do. last should be your own avi. No one is ever satisfied with just ONE dream avatar when they complere them. New clothes are becoming avalible weekly... Hold up, this is the "About me" section, all of this should probably go in a journal or something -_-". Anyways, I'm currently working on my Achievements. Cya.
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