Hello everyone! wheeMy name is B-chan(or also known as Untamed_Kenjuu on here!)
I'm a 24-year-old gal from N.H. in the U.S.
I enjoy reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, playing video games, watching anime/movies/shows, reading manga/doujinshis, sleeping, surfing the net, and hanging with friends.
I'm a very down to earth type person, not afraid to speak her mind(but also shy lol). I consider myself easy to get along with. Feel to free to chat me up! heart
Below is my Avi and her background in case anyone's interested biggrin

Name: Lady Sin/Sin
Real birth name: Ladondra Maria Povey
Age: 1000(as of 2009), (stopped aging at 26)
Sex: Female
Race: Immortal
Date Of Birth: March 10th,1009
Home Town: London, England
Smoker/Drinker: Yes/Yes
Grade/Occupation: As a little girl, she had very little schooling. She learned everything she needed up to now from hands-on experience.
Focus: She needs not to prove herself to anyone or anything.
Preference: Straight
Languages: Has lived long enough to speak just about every tongue known to man, but prefers to speak the English language.
Martial Status: Single
Religious preference: Satanist
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long, Wavy-ish, Black
Weight: 110 Lbs.
Height: 5'7
Body type: Slender/ Curves
Scars: Even the slightest cut will not leave behind any traces of existence.
Tattooes: None
Piercings: Ears
Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected
Likes: Black Magic/Dark Magic, Corruption
Dislikes: Cheeky(insulting, rude, disrespectful), Egotistical(self-centered, selfish, boastful, vain), Disgruntled(grouchy, testy, dissatisfied) people.
Strengths: Stubborn, Speaks her mind
Weaknesses: Showing compassion
Personality Synopsis: Even under the most extreme stresses of daily life, she is still able to remain level-headed about it. But, even if she appears almost care-free and laid-back most of the time, she can be quite aggressive to a point where one questions if she has personality disorder.
Hobbies: Black Magic/Dark Magic, Seduction
Turn-ons: Cat-and-Mouse
Turn-offs: Read 'Dislikes'
Fears: What is it that she should fear?
Aspirations: N/A
Powers: Black Magic/Dark Magic, Seduction, by looking into her eyes(even a brief glance at them), she is able to delve into one's heart and bring their deepest sin(one of the seven deadly sins) up to the surface to consume them over a short period of time and kill them.
Father: Dead
Mother: Dead
Siblings: None
Lover/Spouse: N/A
Children: Her son, Jacques
Synopsis: N/A
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I feel my tank so lonely too... but i dont have time to take care of them... xD lol
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