About me & Help me get DREAM AVI ! XDD

Hey , my name's Mish Yang . Born on September 29 , 1997 . Wheich means I'm barely 13 years old . razz ; Yeah it so not sucks . Anyways , I live Stockton CA . To thee main part about me , Some of my most favorite hobbies is : Dancing [Break , Hip-hop , and C-walk] , and being a Athletic person . Some sports I joined : Track and field , Badminton , SoftBall , and FootBall . When I'm down , I love eating Vanilla Icecream , that's why i always have ice cream around ! biggrin I'm also a person that can laugh easily , & hate being emotional ! So don't DARE . I Love Pandas , Domo Kun , and my REAL LIFE Bf , Nathan Thitphaneth . (:
Feel Free to add me , I am an Awesome person . Yepp , not boring so click 'Add Friends' right above . Especially if you're Asian !
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