Viewing Sisbera's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Sisbera's avatar

Birthday: 10/09


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Character Profiles

Just a File for my RP character Profiles. If you find a character you'd like to RP with, send me a message and we can figure something out, ja? DO NOT USE ANY OF MY CHARACTERS WITHOUT PERMISSION!

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Sisbera Report | 01/28/2016 5:33 pm
Thank you! Sorry it took so long to reply back, but there isn't an option to comment on someone's profile from the mobile app and I'm rarely on a computer.....
ChiiDoLLx Report | 01/16/2016 4:40 pm
I love your avatar~ it's so ready to go to Hogwarts! whee
Xiuying Yuki Gumiho Report | 12/01/2015 4:15 am
Xiuying Yuki Gumiho
Thank you for purchasing! *bows*
SilverTetsusaiga Report | 11/28/2015 8:31 pm
You're welcome !!
That was nice of them to do that for you !!
SilverTetsusaiga Report | 11/28/2015 8:25 pm
Thank you for buying from my store !!

Also, you have an awesome profile theme !!
ChiiDoLLx Report | 06/18/2014 9:59 pm
Gawd, you're so beautiful~ <33
ChiiDoLLx Report | 05/28/2014 9:52 pm
Nope, not taking summer classes....... I haven't decided honestly, it would make my fall semester easier to handle if I do. emo But I'm yours for the summer -- what would you like me to do? I need to get a chair to my desk..... I'm currently chairless (been on my laptop lately instead of my desktop).
ChiiDoLLx Report | 05/28/2014 8:52 pm
o______o;; What do you mean? *stares at chu with wide eyes at how pretteh you are*
Alarmingly Charming Report | 05/26/2014 9:25 am
Alarmingly Charming
ur face. Gaia is a homescreen page so it auto logs-in for me so I forgot it was even up. y u no text me?
ChiiDoLLx Report | 03/22/2014 3:46 am
cool heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart