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Hey everyone!
I'm Chibi341, known IRL as Meghan. You may call me whatever you like =]
I'm not a very outgoing person, but once I get to know someone my true self shines (a little too brightly). The friends I have I love, and I'm sad to say some I haven't stayed in contact with as much as I would've liked. I'm one of those overly, obnoxious, annoyingly optimistic people you just sort of want to smack.

Now, onto what I like: I love Anime/Manga of any kind. As long as the characters and plot are interesting, then i like it. I LOVE drawing. It's my one true passion. I hope to be able to create my own graphic novels, so I also try to do some writing one the side. I still have a long way to go, but i can't wait for the adventures that are there for me to accomplish them
So, I guess that's all you need to know. Don't be afraid to pm me, I love making new friends!



Chibi341's avatar

Last Login: 11/03/2022 6:19 pm

Registered: 07/17/2005

Gender: Female

Location: wouldn't you perverts like to know...

Slip Out




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emo girl mana Report | 04/29/2010 11:47 am
yea but im back
emo girl mana Report | 04/29/2010 11:46 am
yea but im back
princess_mana_18 Report | 01/15/2010 12:41 pm
good ^^
princess_mana_18 Report | 01/07/2010 4:09 pm
aww man u need 2 get that computer of urs at home works
princess_mana_18 Report | 01/07/2010 1:49 pm
yay ur back online ^_^
princess_mana_18 Report | 01/01/2010 8:08 am
HeartGanja69 Report | 11/05/2009 8:29 pm
yeah thats what i did. theres so much new stuff idk what to look at first lol
HeartGanja69 Report | 11/05/2009 8:17 pm
yeaah idk how i remembered it. ijust typed in some random old passowrd i used to use and it was right lol i had like 095749568 announcements and new s**t haha
HeartGanja69 Report | 11/05/2009 8:11 pm
i know! im so proud of myself lol
HeartGanja69 Report | 11/03/2009 8:53 pm
meggers! whats up lol

I want happiness
I seek happiness

to cause your happiness
to be your happiness

take me
to a true Elsewhere,
deliver me,

a bird in a gilded cage,
a bird bereft of flight,
a bird that cannot cry,
a bird all by itself,

so take me
I want happiness

happy just to be with you,
happy just to see you smile,

so take me
to a true Elsewhere

please, take me
to happiness

my first thought
and my last wish,

a promised land where fairies wait
with room just enough for two.

so, deliver me, help me

to forget the tribulations of day
and to stay in this dream of night,
where I can be thinking of you forever

take me

to my bliss

-CLOVER by Clamp

FYI, I'm a giant nerd XD