
neonpineapple's avatar

Last Login: 05/20/2024 9:34 am

Registered: 02/01/2010

Birthday: 05/29


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emotion_bigheart yum_puddi hello world emotion_rainbow gaia_kittenstar yum_whitestrawberry

Unfortunately this user is a full on adult now 🤡 [at least trying] and carries the burden of being a doctor, still can't believe it. 🎉

Wish I could turn back time to my zOMG playing days where I was dreaming of getting the best rings to be an invincible fighter emotion_dealwithit AND being a doctor one day by getting into the best high school in my city. [I didn't get into the best one and felt like a failure for a while but it was fine in the end]

I was sort of a loser during my childhood, so shy & emotional, probably vulnerable as well cat_emo and I felt good about my online persona on this website. I had a lot of friends, I fell in love for the first time and it was a huge deal for me, of course SOO platonic and I never got to meet them irl. [Still not over the fact that I don't know how this person existed outside my imagination]

I have always been a fan of writing stuff without any literary value and just vomiting my thoughts into the space and I will use this little space to thank everyone who has shaped me as an adult today. I feel so nostalgic, here we are thanking to a dead website :')

I learned about cool music and cool books on here, I developed my sense of fashion and my criteria for future lovers thanks my platonic love interest on here. So many strangers here were my friends. I was telling them full on drama about my school, my family and I was coping with life by venting to strangers online and DAMN I MISSED IT. They were probably all older than me so it was like having sisters & brothers. 🫰

I'm sure most have forgotten about me, and I have probably forgotten about some of them as well but thank you kind people for being there for a little girl. I look back and realize that it meant a lot during those days. 🥰

I never forgot the person I cared about the most, and I know that you didn't forget about me as well. I'm still a child at heart, so I have a silly little dream of receiving a text one day saying that you want to meet & drink some fancy coffee as old friends one day. yum_tea Sometimes, I would get mad and imagine you as a fat old lady 😫 but I have come to peace that even if this is true, that doesn't change the fact that I still get curious about my anonymous teacher/hero. I would love to vent to each other about our lives if that's something you want as well. It would probably be so lame just like the new ABBA tour, or every other remake, but it might be as good as the Barbie movie by Greta Gerwig as well.✨

If this little letter is read by anyone besides me, I hope you and future me find it well and not too cringe, as I was sipping on some Timorous Beastie and freed from all inhibitions while writing it.

To honouring Rabbie Burns and only worrying about the solvable problems of the present. Cheers, 🥃

but mousie, thou are no thy-lane,
in proving foresight may be vain:
the best laid schemes o' mice an' men,
gang aft agley,
an' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
for promis'd joy!

still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me!
the present only toucheth thee:
but och! i backward cast my e'e,
on prospects drear!
an' forward, tho' i canna see,
i guess an' fear

Oct 14, 2023



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FarukDD Report | 02/21/2024 10:35 am
Vay be, harika smile Artık tecrübelisin

Ben hiç bir şey yapmıyorum vakit öldürüyorum biggrin
FarukDD Report | 11/24/2023 5:00 am
Doktor oldun he? Hayirli olsun mrgreen
Vasgort Report | 04/25/2015 8:28 pm
Bu Selini bir yerden hatırladığıma eminim!
xxangelicexx Report | 12/31/2012 8:10 am
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xsamanta Report | 10/29/2012 10:07 am
Can'ımı unutma o da benim b^tane'mm biggrin heart
No Eyedea Report | 10/28/2012 2:39 pm
No Eyedea
Sixteen. c:
xsamanta Report | 10/28/2012 2:37 pm
Bitane'sii biggrin
No Eyedea Report | 10/28/2012 2:33 pm
No Eyedea
Accepted <3
xsamanta Report | 10/28/2012 2:30 pm
Sanırım bana küstün o yüzden bi comment bırakıyım dedim de sevinsin biggrin heart yaaa ben seni iremi canı kaanı zafer i hepinizi çok seviyorumm .. küsme sakın bana ... heart
No Eyedea Report | 10/28/2012 2:25 pm
No Eyedea
Thanks. c:
No problem. <3


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