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-FearOfLiving_'s avatar

Registered: 03/11/2010

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/23/1989


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This is my role play character

Username: -FearOfLiving_
name: Dani Fear
age; 876
Race: Demon/vampire
gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
pets: none yet
powers: Black magic, flight and charm
weapons: what ever he can get his hands on
personailty: mean
likes: hard rock music, blood, killing and screams
hates: Pink, sun and crosses
weaknesses: Crosses, holy water and holy ground
bio: N/A
pic: User Image
Other: single

Come all ye who seeks blood for he shall be given it
Come all ye who seeks death for he shall cause it
come all ye who seeks screams for he shall hear them
And come all ye who seeks nightmares for he shall be them

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look into my eyes and say you don't love me

True Beauty lays only in death.