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Birthday: 10/23

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Ok so Im trying to figure out if im a Villain, Hero, or just some fool playing it up for the comic relief. When I die can I see the light of the inferno or the light of holiness?


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Thoughts No one should remember.

What could i write about in a journal? I tyhink it will be a mixture of my day and musings that pop up for the day.


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Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 11/05/2012 10:47 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Ah, thanks, but that sounds fun though 3nodding
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 11/01/2012 8:20 am
Kasumii sa Sokkan
That's sounds like fun. I din't really get to do anything fun and didn't really dress up as anything (just wore a cape). probably one of the worst Halloweens I've ever had...
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 10/24/2012 7:32 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Oh Happy Birthday (Late) it's been a while hasn't it, well it's nice to see you! Do you have any plans for Halloween? whee
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 09/26/2012 8:00 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Glad to hear she is ding better, but sad to hear you are sick, I think I'm getting a cold, too. The place is alright, it's no Buckingham Palace, but it's alright. Get better soon HWAITING! 3nodding
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 09/19/2012 9:23 am
Kasumii sa Sokkan
So we go the whole thing worked out now, we are staying in a completely different place now (The lady from the other place decided that last week she would take a vacation!) so we just found another place. It is just going to be me and one other person because the third roommate found somewhere else to rent because it was taking so long, so my parents are coming up on Friday to sign the lease and pay and bring some furniture. And the sounds scary, I hope she gets better real soon! HWAITING!!!
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 09/10/2012 10:54 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Hey, so we're still working on the apartment and we may have found a fourth roommate. The place is really nice, right in the middle of China Town and there is great shopping right near by. The hotel however is closer but it is kind of iffy, it's not too bad and it has pretty good security but the elevator is done by hand so you can only use it if a staff member is with you to do it for you and I have to put some furniture in front of the door at night because (just for precautionary measures) because the door locking isn't that great, but the people are nice and the room is fairly clean (no bugs) and it's for $39 a night. Hopefully we will be able to move in by Wednesday (at least have the paperwork done than) and no later than Friday HOPEFULLY!!! But yeah, so that's good that you have great sounding teachers, mine seem like they will be cool this year to so let's just see how things work out. Oh yeah and I got a security guard from the dorm to walk me home every night I have a late class, I just have to fill out a sheet of paper.
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 09/04/2012 12:52 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Hey there! That does sound pretty tasty xp
So today is my first class! I have a design and type at 7:15 tonight. Right now I'm staying in a pretty creepy hotel, it's only two blocks away from the bus drop off for my school, but my parents are deathly afraid that I am going to get mugged or murdered so they are making me go ask the people over at the dorm if they could escort me every night I have a late class which will be three days a week. It is really annoying, I understand their concern and all (Oakland isn't known to be the safest of places and all) But honestly, I can see the building from the hotel and I only have to cross like two streets. But anyways, so you are doing good, that's good to here whee . And how is that K-drama you're watching is it interesting? Would you recommend it 4laugh ?
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 09/04/2012 12:51 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Hey there! That does sound pretty tasty xp
So today is my first class! I have a design and type at 7:15 tonight. Right now I'm staying in a pretty creepy hotel, it's only two blocks away from the bus drop off for my school, but my parents are deathly afraid that I am going to get mugged or murdered so they are making me go ask the people over at the dorm if they could escort me every night I have a late class which will be three days a week. It is really annoying, I understand their concern and all (Oakland isn't known to be the safest of places and all) But honestly, I can see the building from the hotel and I only have to cross like two streets. But anyways, so you are doing good, that's good to here whee . And how is that K-drama you're watching is it interesting? Would you recommend it 4laugh ?
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 08/29/2012 1:48 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Hey it's been a while! Well I'm starting school in less than a week! OoO! We are going up there tomorrow to find talk with some people about this place we found, it's a two bedroom and oh yeah, I now two room mates looking with me! Hopefully we will be able to get this place or we will have to find somewhere fast (We will probably end up staying in a hotel for a couple of days while the paper work clears and stuff but that should be fine) So yeah that's happening soon, so how are you doing now? What are you up to these days? I'm really happy today! 3nodding I got my posters in the mail today, and my CD should be coming soon now too! (I ordered a music CD of K-Pop group I really like (SNSD) and the two posters arrived, group photo and one random member poster (I got the one named Sooyoung)) So I'm really excited about that, and I'm going to be pre-ordering the new Pokemon Black 2 some time soon I hope (already got the money!) 4laugh And you? whee p.s. sorry that was kind of a lot! sweatdrop
Kasumii sa Sokkan Report | 08/01/2012 5:17 pm
Kasumii sa Sokkan
Well the storage unit we had before was 10x30 ft. (I think the largest they had) and it was pretty much full, then we moved it to one that was 8x20 (We took some of the big furniture with us and we organized a lot better than it was in the other one) Luckily it was literally right next to our old o ne so we didn't have to move it far! 3nodding
Hopefully I can find some place before school starts because if I can't then I might have to miss a semester or a year and I REALLY do not want to do that... So wishing and hoping for something to come up. HWAITING! 4laugh



ROAR!!! Yeah That's my grand battle cry...and lament of no cake!!!

I'm one of these "Scorpio" if you can't tell

I like these alotPenguin if you never heard of one

She's not just a great dancer, she as a really big bat!

Would you believe she's the hero?

That's right school girl warriors will appear to handle you if you don't share your carrot cake with me!!

If i happen to rub your head or pet you im not looking down on you, you're just so cute when you pout!

Ya know somehow it always happens when i pet a kitty. maybe Im not as interesting as a nap???

So this place is starting to resemble my me make it feel nice and messy with lots of posts ok?