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Howling Lupin Striker

Howling Lupin Striker's avatar

Last Login: 09/28/2012 9:21 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/12


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I'm a gamer who loves to fight. I write my own stories to express my emotions. Half the time, they're hilarious and romantic. The other half, they're cruel and sadistic. That's just me. I'm a tad bit bipolar but I try to stay as positive as i can, no matter what. I think I actually managed to fall in love with World of Warcraft. My friend got me addicted to it because she would play it all the time. I watched her play it then my dad got me a copy when he saw me eyeballing it at Wal-Mart. I got him addicted to it to. Haha!

Well, I'm seventeen years old, about to go into my senior year, and I am a paper carrier. It sucks but everyone gets a bad job. I'm gonna be a waitress when I get into college though. (Go to your local Dennie's XD)

I think I'll also use Tektek to make designs for characters that I want to use in manga/anime that I'll make. I may do the anime but I'd have to get the right programs and that'll cost TONS of money. I have enough money issues, thank you very much!

Avatars I think look pretty sweet (Of course i'd give my biased opinion. I MADE these!)

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(I went to school like this for Halloween this year. :3)

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(Me on a NORMAL the tie. Ties are only for when i go out)

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(My character/Real-self for my Slice-Of-Life manga)


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The Sadist's Mind

A bunch of strange, tortuous things I come up with.



Fly high...hit the sky. Go and live fast. Feel the wind rushing through your hair because my freedom is only judged by how fast I am going down the old road.


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In this world there are two kinds of and everyone else.

I'd move the avatar but it wouldn't let me. DX

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