Randomly About Me! (>")><("<)
I am very random and wrong when i wanna beI luv Pokemon
I love Anime pictures (Especially Angels)
I luv doughnuts and food in general
I luv to read (cant wait for my new book in my series)
I luv the manga and anime Fruits Basket my Fav characters are Momiji, Kyou, Kisa, Hiro and Tohru. yum_puddi yum_onigiri
i luv moving animations(pretty pretty shiny shiny)
I luv Egyptian and Greek Gods (Favs: Bes, Bast, Annubis and Tawaret-Egytian Athena, Posiden, Hades, Apollo and Ares-Greek Xd (>")><("<) YaY)
and I luv lookin good XD (Who doesn't? who wants ta look like a bum?)
My fav colour is Orange and Blue

Wishes: Wouldn't it be awesome if we lived in anime style EEEKKK i would be so cute.
READ READ AND MORE READ!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< emotion_dealwithit cat_burning_eyes cat_ninja
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