
My name: Ryu, please :3
Age: 14
Well, first.. I'm a GIRL! It's just my avator who is a boy, 'couse I think they were cute.. Sorry..
Come from: Denmark..
Jrock: Gackt, Malice Mizer, Dir en Grey, Miyavi, Gazette, Alice Nine, An Cafe, Ayabie, Moi dix Mois, Merry, D'espairs Ray, Hyde, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Iceman, Plastic Tree, 12012, Hide, X-Japan, and much much muuuuch more^^
I love to draaaw *W*
Dream avatar:

Item List:
AngelbowBlack TieBlack Top HatBunny TailChain WalletCoin ChangerCourted RuffDark HaloDevil TailEaster Bunny EarsGillsGuitar of DemonaKiKi Kitty PlushieKoNfUzEd rAiNbOw ToE SoXMini Angel WingsMoMo the MonkeyNeutral Starter BootsRed KiltShadow SpiritStriped Red Pajama ShirtSuspendersWhip of IceEstimated Total: 27,436,957 Gold, 25,000 Tickets
(Estimated with known item values on 08 January 2007)
Well, it's a loooong way to go =______=
See my neeew video (multimedia) It's a very sexy Gackt fanvideo, I HAVE MADE.. Before you clik teh "play", if think I should give you a little warning..
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