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mixxxoooangle's avatar

Last Login: 03/28/2017 10:37 am

Registered: 12/13/2006

Gender: Female

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well there's nothing much about me. i love dragons and mystical stuff(the norm)im slow and gocky, but short. i like old shows and cartoons. yeah thats it i think

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Errol Dent Report | 01/07/2009 7:32 pm
Sure User Image What time?
Errol Dent Report | 01/05/2009 10:47 pm
No it's okay. I understand entirely. If I was the father of two girls I'd be pretty protective myself. User Image I'd just rather not be on the wrong end of his protectiveness.
Errol Dent Report | 01/04/2009 10:57 pm
It's not so much that I want to avoid him, just that I want to avoid his annoyance with me. Lol. Last time I showed up uninvited to say 'hello', he seemed rather irritated. Granted it was 8:00 pm, but I'd rather not piss your parents off if I'm not supposed to be there. o~o
Errol Dent Report | 01/04/2009 10:25 pm
What are you up to the next couple of days? Could you do with some company? User Image
LyfeCry Report | 12/25/2008 1:11 pm
Great Avatar User Image

Merry Christmas!!
Paul-19 Report | 12/24/2008 5:47 pm
hey random person, would u like to vote for my friend in the arena??

User Image


And Merry Christmas!!!!
Errol Dent Report | 12/22/2008 11:01 am
Actually, I have to retract and amend a few of my previous statements. I ran into Josh in hastings yesterdayand talked to him for a bit. I won't bore you with details, but as the conversation progressed it was made clear to me that he's not going to take me unless I have a thousand dollars to (as he put it) 'Help pay for the trip', and that Brent Weaver was supposed to inform me. Not only that, but Brent Weaver told me that he had work lined up for us as a test to see if I would continue to search for a job down here. I've been searching for a job right along since he left, but it's hard to do so when you don't have a bicycle or any other effective means of transportation you can operate yourself. Especially when you have parents like mine that don't enjoy the concept of putting what they have to do on hold so they can accompany you on your job hunt, but simultaneously refuse to take you to the DMV and help you get your license so you can start doing things on your own for a change. The more I thought about it, the more it became clear to me that Josh is simply looking for a way to get someone else to pay for the trip, or perhaps even to rip me off entirely. The fact is, I can buy a plane ticket to Missouri for a maximum of 300-400 dollars, and get there in less than 24 hours. This trip (by car) should take about one whole day, assuming you have one person driving while the other sleeps. The entire reason I wanted to jump in his truck on the way out is because I don't have 300-400 dollars to fly myself out, and because I want to take more than just what I can carry on my back through airport security. I know he has enough to take the trip by himself, and taking me with him wouldn't add anything to the cost of the trip. I feel he's trying to get me to pay him to take me. So, I'm changing the plan; I'm not going to Missouri. Instead, I'm going to stay here and continue to try to get a job so I can buy a plane ticket to Pennsylvania and simply skip Missouri entirely. On DeAnna, she is, in my opinion, perfect for me. I feel very blessed to have found her and been able to create a relationship with her. The Cult itself, Human_Hatred, is really just a place for people to spout anger and aggression towards the less intelligent. What happens most often, for example, someone reads or hears or watches something on the news or in the general media, brings it to the forum (cult is just the word used in place of 'forum' on, it's not really a 'cult' by definition.) and starts a new topic on it. Most often what happens is debate or conversation about the topic, but in H_H, insults are freely traded back and forth without censorship, in most cases. If someone posts and/or says something particularly stupid, or something displaying a great deal of ignorance and/or stupidity, the other members are free to tear them down and generally treat them like crap. The target group the cult appeals to are free-thinking, intelligent, and pissed off people who are generally sick to death of people, and the global 'dumbing-down' of the masses. And that 'dumbing-down' is what we talk about most often. It was a while ago, about six months, so I can't be sure exactly what the topic was without looking it up, but myself and the rest of the regulars were talking, and she posted in response to something we were talking about. I read her post and looked over at her Icon (on VF you're able to upload pictures for Icons, which are a bit like avatars in the forums) and saw her face, and my first thought was "Wow, she is really beautiful.". And after reading her post a second time (I'd really only skimmed it for important points) the thought occured to me that she is really intelligent too. At that point, I treated her like anyone else; I was polite, respectful, addressed her posts in conversations, did what I could to learn about her and see if I wanted to talk directly to her. Finally I decided to talk to her outside the forum, and I sent her a joke
Errol Dent Report | 12/20/2008 11:05 pm
Yes, I met her on, of all places, and even more unlikely and just as unexpected, in a cult (forum) called Human_Hatred. I joined, I became a regular, she joined, became a regular, we had a few conversations in and out of the cult and just hit it off from there. She's simply amazing; we share more things in common than I have with anyone in my entire life, we get along great (we almost never argue about anything and any hurt feelings are very quickly mended if and when we do.), she's sensitive caring and compassionate, very kind and very affectionate, and she has this amazing ability to tell when something is wrong with me. She's smart, speaks I-don't-know-how-many languages, is creative, funny, appreciative, and generally everything I've been hoping for and more. Best of all, she's willing to put a solid effort into making the relationship work and helping to keep us together no matter what; a quality not present in nearly any of the girls I've dated previous. She is determined, and will do whatever she can, just as I will, to make 'us' happen. Which is, as it turns out, really my entire motive for going with Josh to Missouri. If I can make that leap, I'll have work waiting there for me. And once I'm there and making money, I'll be able to afford the second leap to Pennsylvania and to her. My entire focus is on getting to her.
Errol Dent Report | 12/20/2008 9:41 pm
So-So, basically it's SSDD. I'm really just biding my time until the first of january. If things continue as they were originally planned I may be leaving arizona, never to return. Josh is (or at least last I checked, was.) planning on moving to Missouri to live with Brent Weaver. I want to get out of this place in the worst way, so I made plans to pack my things and get in his truck on the way out. Assuming things go as planned, I'll be leaving new-years. Assuming things don't go as planned, DeAnna (a girl I met over the internet and have forged a relationship with.) is going to do her best to get me a plane ticket to her, if I can't do so myself before she does. At any rate, I'm alright, just waiting to find a way out of this sand-box. User Image How are you doing? Having a good Holiday?
Maj. Kirai Report | 07/28/2008 11:15 pm
Hi! Thanks for your super nice comment on my slindragon in the art arena. x3

And yes, I have a ton of other critters I have designed! You can see most of them, if not all, on my deviant art account.

Thanks again! 8D

They're eating through the wall!!!!?