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My Bewbs are on FYRE

My Bewbs are on FYRE's avatar

Last Login: 04/27/2009 8:04 pm

Registered: 01/23/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Grayson, KY

Birthday: 01/19/1989

Occupation: Student / Writer / Musician / Grocer

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The Z3R0 File

Eddie Z says...


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Mizz Faith Report | 01/18/2010 11:35 am
Mizz Faith
Another year has passed. Wishing you a happy birthday again smile
Dainty_Escape Report | 03/23/2009 6:29 pm
i want some fishies!
Mizz Faith Report | 01/18/2009 7:07 am
Mizz Faith
I'm not sure if you use this account anymore but happy birthday!
Kuruka Kivuli Report | 11/24/2008 4:55 pm
Kuruka Kivuli
Alex, I got banned, again. >.>
AB91 Report | 11/19/2008 8:56 am

How are you?

Pond of Death Report | 11/14/2008 12:48 pm
Pond of Death
haven't spoken to you in ages.....btw, your avi looks awsom
inviso87 Report | 11/06/2008 9:12 pm
lol, true, you are awesome, haha.

Usually it's one thing to the next for me D:

Yea, ZOMG is not that good imo >_>

Alrighty, accepted.

I am doing alright...sick though =[ You?
Caselyn Report | 11/06/2008 4:03 am
Invalid ID. D:
Caselyn Report | 11/03/2008 6:21 pm
Who made you giggle? >.>

Yes. You two and MCR. It's starting to grow on me, now.

Devil of Daybreak . . . I will add!
Caselyn Report | 11/03/2008 4:26 am
Sound like me...with my 800 accounts. >.>

Yes, they are. I think. I know some friends that don't, but that sounds like a personal problem.

Glad y'er happy, then.

Far off memories. Devin is...where to begin? >.> He's fairly well-built. Has brown eyes with very distinctive orange rings in the iris (like a tree's rings). When they're gone, he's changed in to his more demonic self (not kidding). He has blondish-brown hair. He's only about 3 inches taller than me, now, but continues to grow. He loves to draw, and he writes poetry (but you knew that part already). He's good at math, but sucks at history. He likes videogames, and we play them all the time when given a chance. He's like a vampire, by the way. Has most of their features, and a ferocious bite if he wants to. At the same time though, he's gentle and aims to please. He loves literature, and likes manga too. He's into magic, and he loves music as well. >.> His favorite band is MCR. ;XD

And thank you, by the way. <3 Gifty was awesome.



Well, gawrsh...


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