Viewing nekowasa's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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Eh heh! Meevers, I luff joo!~

I'm a random person, and thank you for vistiting my prof! You can refer to me as Neko or Hannah. Don't bother asking where I live, all you need to know is that it's in the MIDDLE OF FREAKIN NOWHERE. Yep. Don't ask how old I am either. You probably don't wanna know. And if you do, you're probably a stalker. Anything else... Oh yeah, I'm bi-smexy, 5'4"-ish, and atheist.

Status: Confused...

Favorite Artist: Dir en Grey, Panic! at the disco, Marilyn Manson, Innerpartysystem, H.I.M...

Favorite Song: This is the New s**t, Zan, (s)aint

Favorite Author: Stephen King

Favorite Book: Cell, Dessperation

Likes: Anime, Manga, JRock, Yaoi, Yuri, Miyavi, Gackt, Dir en Grey, Panic! at the disco, Fanservice, Cosplaying Singing, Drawing, Random crap, Scary movies, etc...

Dislikes: Preps, Cheerleaders, Pink, Religion, Ketchup, Mustard, Mosquitoes... etc.


Random quotes:

"Not everyone is born to do great things, some people are just born to fail, so that others may learn from their mistakes."

"You can't spell failure without u r a..."

"I have a question for the chinchila."
-4th section math class

"Close your heart to every love but mine. Hold no one in your arms but me."

"Haha. HAPPY national EMO day.
haha, I taste irony."

"Half of ******** is two thirds of fun!"

"Remember, kids: Internet fights are like the special olympics.
Even if you do win, you're still retarded. "

"Assume makes an a** out of u and me."
-'Cell' by Stephen King

"Selling is legal. ******** is legal. So why isn't selling ******** legal?!"
-George Carlin

"Procrastination is my masturbation!"

"The problem is not my modifications, but your ignorance and prejudice."
- Erik Sprague

"There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies?”
- Dawkins

"I've been jumping from the tops of buildings for the thrill of the fall."

"The fool says in his heart, “there is no God;” the wise man says it to the world."

"Rainbows that My razors wrung
Midst Her screams and seams undone
Sung at the top of punctured lungs
I bite My spiteful tongue
Lest curses spat from primal lairs
Freeze romance where Angels bare
Are lost to love blood-loss despair
I weep they merely stare"
-commander assfukk, GD

"Pocket Asian go! Use Calculus Attack.
Oh noes, it's inneffective!"
-Grandma Sniffles, GD

"I've been a drunk disrespectful little street punk.
Pull my hair back, look me in the eye
There's a self-destructive meaning in the bleeding of a guy
It's the guilt of what reality has given me
Making sense of all mistakes and my stupidity"
-Zombie__Queen_X, GD

"A cat is more intelligent than people believe, and can be taught any crime."
-Mark Twain

"If abortion is murder then blowjobs are cannibalism and masturbating is mass genocide."
-Ray Pest, GD

"It's not everyday you find a girl who'll flash someone to get you out of detention. "
-its a ******** quote, btw. ;D

"you're as fake as the moans you make."
-Insane Gravity, CB

Lance: "I've got your Front."
Me: "Dont you Mean My back?"
Lance: "Yeah , if that's how you like it."
Chris: "Oh my word!"
-Floating on Fruit Loops, CB

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You are a Flaming Uke!
One of the easiest uke to recognize by sight. Your flamboyantly gay behavior makes it easy for seme to prey upon you, and that is exactly what you want, and you usually have a few tricks up your sleeve as well. You most often have colored hair, designer clothes, and eyes that are constantly roaming, searching for the perfect partner. You are best paired with the Chibi Seme, who will rise to your challenge with their mischievous nature.
Most compatible with: Chibi Seme
Least compatible with: Sadistic Seme, Opportunist Seme
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at, or find merchandise here.

For any of you who know what I mean by this: This is what Alex got on this test. I never took the test. Alex did. So there. XP


Viewing 12 of 83 friends


My rants... I guess

Not much, but I'll post whenever I have something post-worthy to talk about.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/24/2010 9:21 pm


Love the avi
the profile biggrin
La Mulatto

Report | 02/25/2010 3:49 pm

La Mulatto

Um, i've been in school. xD
La Mulatto

Report | 02/18/2010 7:38 pm

La Mulatto

hope you liked it. smile
La Mulatto

Report | 02/10/2010 4:43 pm

La Mulatto

Not when I actually have to go outside everyday. xD I have to go outside to get from class to class.
La Mulatto

Report | 02/10/2010 3:32 pm

La Mulatto

Freezing rain here. :]
La Mulatto

Report | 02/10/2010 3:27 pm

La Mulatto

It's been treating me. ^^;;
How about for you?
La Mulatto

Report | 02/10/2010 3:25 pm

La Mulatto

Lmao, why is it purple?!
La Mulatto

Report | 02/10/2010 3:11 pm

La Mulatto

Hannah. >:]

Report | 02/06/2010 9:31 pm


you still play on gaia!?
lol I get an e-mail for gaia alerts once in a blue moon xD

Report | 12/31/2009 11:06 am


oh s**t! Happy New Year lmao


Anyone interested?