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CrystalineKit =^vv^=

CrystalineKit's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: SA CA

Birthday: 07/05

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Stuff You Might Want To Know Bout Me

Hi. I've had a bit of trouble on here lately.
Mostly because I'm not as quick an artist or as understandable a forum poster as I used to be. I make no excuse but this.

I have a disease that makes things difficult for me. From typing and drawing to thinking and even moving around has become a challenge for me.

The disease is called
MS (Multiple Sclerosis). It caused me to go blind for almost two months, Tail end of June through the middle of August. It has been causing a fair amount of weakness in my arms and legs. Now it is causing me to have trouble thinking, speaking, walking. I was using a cane, but now it is too dangerous for me to even do that, I'm afraid that I might hit someone with it. My limbs will randomly lash out and flail (which according to my family is both disturbing and hysterically funny) as well as at times go nearly completely numb. All of this makes it difficult, well, to function.

I can't work. The only thing I can do is try and function on here and attempt a walk something like once a day.

If I offend you, let me know. If your a jerk who has decided to bug me because you don't want to be a polite human being, then bugger off. If you are a customer from my art shop, please be patient with me. If you can't be patient, then please let me know you are canceling your art order.

Thank you for reading and for being understanding (if you have decided to be that is) =^vv^=

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