• "Its good to finally see you again, Marcus." Tre said as if nothing had happened and he was still my friend. I faced him with the darkest glare in my eye that I could manage. "I dreamt of this moment for seven year, now it is time to avenge my clan!" I yelled at him. "Wait, do you know why I let you live, Marcus?" he questioned. I didn't know. I thought he let me live because he was enjoying my suffering. "I let you live because you are the most powerful being in the world and I knew from the moment I saw you that you'd become the Demonic Angel Wrath." he said calmly. I hated how calm he looked even though he knew I was going to kill him. I wanted to spill his blood all over the floor. I wanted to watch him writhe in pain from being slashed by my weapon. But I knew that I must listen to what he has to say, it must be important. "So what? Who cares if Im Wrath?" I questioned, keeping my tone at a menacing level. "I told you how the Demonic Angels came to be. What I didnt tell you is that they can be used. They are disposable." Tre said as he snapped his fingers. Upon that a well hidden door slid open and showed my friends, the other six Demonic Angels. There they were, Vanity, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Greed, and Lust. They were lined up, all unconscious, and next to the was another spot, my spot. "What have you done to them, Tre?!" I yelled in an outrage. "I merely defeated those weaklings, for the most powerful monsters in the world they were pretty easy to take down. You are the only one left. I left you for last because I knew you are the strongest of them." he said smuggly. "What are you going to do with us?" I demanded. "Merely drain your power. When the Demonic Angels are all defeated their powers can be drained from their bodies and be transfered into another demon." Tre explained as he walked down the steps toward me. When he was within reach I slashed his shirt with a quickdraw using the Artemis Blade. As the torn cloth fell to the ground a giant slash showed on Tre's torso, the one I had inflicted upon him with this sacred sword years ago. "Hehehehehe. Yes, you did leave this terrible wound upon me but once Im finished transferring your power this wound shall not even phase me. This wound has weakened me for years but no longer." he said as he used his spell to create a sword of flames. As he did this tails of different elements appeared behind him. He had to be a pretty old kitsuni in order to have that many tails. He also had to be an expert in the elements. "Youre not the only one with an ace in your sleeve." I said as my eyes turned blood red and my bat wings spouted. "Hah. They all did that too. Its no use." Tre said calmly. "Im not done yet." I said in the evil tone that came with my transformation. My left wing cracked and shattered as the white angel's wing replaced it and my left eye changed from red to blue. "No, you're to young to use that!" Tre said in dismay. "Im going to incinerate you! Rin Rousa!!!" I shouted. The dragon of light sprouted from my body once again. As it Slammed into Tre's body I felt a searing pain in my torso. This time, the dragon was far more powerful than ever. I started bleeding all over as the power escaped my body, tearing me to shreds. The spell was finally over, the path was clearly marked on the destroyed gound. tre stood there, standing. His body slowly dissinegrated before my eyes. "Im sorry for what I made you go through, Marcus. Be a good boy now." he said before he fully dissapeared. I colapsed on the floor from the amount of blood loss. My body was completely destroyed. Giant cuts were all over my arms, legs, and torso. I knew I wouldnt survive this as things went dark. I woke up in a bed and felt a familiar slap behind my head. All my friends were staring at me. They had worried looks on their faces. "Marcus, you came back from the brink of destruction." Sage said as she hugged me.