• -Chapter 1-

    Mary Ann was sitting on her cold, uncomfortable bed. There was a knock on the old oak door. "Come in, we're decent." Mary replies to the knock. An older, wrinkled woman steps into the room. She looks around the room, and then stares at Mary. "Why must you insist on staying inside on a lovely day girls?" the older woman said shaking her head lightly.
    "Awww come on it's perfect in here too Nana, and we have a lovely view of the park so Mary can draw somethings for the art fair on Tuesday. Besides who wants to go outside and play with 'them', I mean honestly." Kate said pointing to the popular girls sitting at one of the picnic tables and probably talking about the guys across the street.
    "Now Kate be nice, you two haven't been outside since activity day last week. And 'those' girls aren't so bad and you know that. Now I expect you two outside in ten minutes. Understood?"
    "Yes Nana K."
    After Mrs. Kathrine left the room, Kate flopped back down onto her bed. She sat up and looked at Mary, who was staring out the window at the park. "You O.K. M.A.? You look... well... sad. Is there something wrong?"
    "Hmmm, oh ya I'm O.K. just thinking."
    "About what? Jak, your lover boy?!" Kate said making a kissy face.
    "Your gonna wish you never said that Kat." Without warning Mary leaped from her bed to Kate's and started tickling her. At this point Kate was helpless because Mary had her pinned down.
    Mary had won wrestling matches against the top wrestlers from the boy's orphanage(even though she played in a skirt, all girls at the orphanage had to wear a skirt). Besides Kate, Mary had another best friend. His name was Jak P. King. He was her first friend when she arrived at Wheeledworth's orphanage academy. Jak had explained everything about Wheeledworth, he said it really wasn't an academy they just called it that. You see when Mary was only six when her parents got into a car accident, she was now 13 and had the two best friends she could ever ask for. She finally let Kate free and ran out the door notebook in hand."Come on Kat we're gonna miss...." Mary ran into something big and strong."Ugh. Sorry I was in a hurry." Kate came sliding out into the hall and was laughing till she saw what Mary had bumped into. It happened to be the super intendant of the boy's orphanage.
    "She is really sorry sir, we are in a hurry to get outside so we don't get into trouble. It won't happen again. Promise!"Kate helped Mary off the floor.
    "Well, yes I sure hope so, now scram I'm looking for Madam Kathrine. Would you know where her office is?"
    "Yes sir. We pass it on our way out so you can follow us, that is if you like...." Mary said trying to make up for the coalition.
    "Mmm. OK then, lead the way ladies." He said expressionless.
    The girls and the super intendant walked down the halls and down a few flights of stairs. Finally they got to Madam Kathrine's office and bid their good byes. As soon as he stepped into the room they ran for the door."Oh my gosh he is soooo scary, right Mar?!....Mar?" Mary had stopped by one of the doors. Kate walked over to see what was wrong. When she looked into the small window in the door and gasped. She told Mary they needed to get outside or they would get into trouble with Nana. Mary didn't listen, instead she just stood there. For inside the room Mrs.Belldu was slow dancing with Mr.Convi.
    "Isn't it romantic Kat. How there bodies are pressed together, eyes looking at each other..." she let out a deep sigh,"I wish I could be happy like that."
    "Ya with Jak!" Kate laughed as she pretended to dance with an invisible man .
    "That's it, come here!" Mary chased Kate outside, but the chase was ended when Mrs. K saw what was going on. Kate had to apologize and so did Mary. The girls got outside just in time, because the guys and girls had to practice dancing for the annual orphanage dance competition. No one even knew about it yet except the counselors and super intendants.
    "Children, please settle down and sit in a chair or at a picnic table. You are old enough now to be in the orphan dance competition." Some kids groaned and moaned, "Now it's not all bad, there is a prize for the winning academy. Now for the next month we will be practicing and only one couple will go onto to compete in the finals so practice and practice well. Since last year the females chose their partners, this year the males will choose." Some of guys groaned and some yelled with joy. Jak saw Mary and walked over to her and sat down. "Gentlemen you may go pick your partner." Mrs. K blew her whistle and the guys headed out. A whole bunch of guys ran and pushed each other to get to Kate. Jak looked at Mary, she new what he was going to ask and smiled. As he opened his mouth John Renbil pushed Jak out of the way and said "Hey babe wanna be my partner?!"
    "Ya, like I'd ever be your partner, and if you call me babe one more time you won't be able to see straight, got it."
    John didn't say anything he got up and slowly walked away. Jak got up and brushed himself off. "Like I was trying to say before Romeo came along, want to be my partner?"
    "I'd love to. That is if you really mean it." Jak turned red, "Well ya, umm, I wouldn't have asked if well you know, if I didn't mean it."
    The whistle blew again and everyone sat down on the bench or in a chair near them.
    "Hopefully everyone found a partner. If not come see me in my office and we will find you one." After Mrs.Katherine said this she turned and walked into the academy and was fallowed by a few students including Kate, which was a big surprise to Jak and Mary.