• a dragon,a wizard,and a griffin are whispering to eachother.
    dragon:Amacus,are you certain Lingos' plan will work?
    Amacus[griffin]:I'm positive.Romaro,are you ready?
    Romaro:yes,i am ready.What about you,Lingos?
    Lingos[Wizard]:My staff is ready.[starts to conjure a ball of magic at the orb of his staff.]
    Amacus:So be it.[glances at a huge monster in the distance,then conjures a fireball.]
    Amacus&Lingos: [launches magic into the sky]
    [huge waffles and alot of syrup fall in top of the monster]
    [Romaro and Amacus glare hatefully at Lingos]
    Amacus:Waffles and syrup?
    Lingos: [shrugs]I thought he was hungry.
    [Lingos lookes at Romaro and Amacus,then runs away.]
    Romaro:Oh,no you don't!
    Romaro&Amacus: [chases after Lingos,spitting fire and clawing through trees.]