• The Message

    You thought you hear your phone vibrated and when you check, there wasn't a message, it didn't even move an inch. That was only when you realized how serious it was, you were hearing things, that is known as one of the symptoms of mental illness, but no, you told yourself, you're not ill. You just hadn't got a message from him for some time. That was why when your phone REALLY vibrated, you started to hold it like poker cards and slowly reveals the name of the sender behind your fingers with hope, but then the tsunami struck and you were drenched with the waves of disappointment, it wasn't him. It was when the cool breeze swept over you and sucked your soul away. The warmth he gave, gone; the joy he gave, gone; all gone. All that was left of you was a beautiful empty shell, a mere body in your icy cold world. You started to ask yourself, what had went wrong : did you do something wrong? Did you say something wrong? After moments and moments of deep thought, you still couldn't seem to find a cause for his sudden behavior, and there it was, the questions hanging in the air, together with the lost souls. Then, you realized how little you knew about him, in fact, you knew nothing, nothing except the happiness he'd brought you.

    And all those things that had became a part of your life.

    When that night you startled from the dream of confusion with a massive headache, you find your thoughts drifted to all the things he had unconsciously injected into your life, each time the minute hand struck 12 was a reminder of the time you remained awake. Every morning you woke up, the first thing to do wasn't to brush your teeth, but to check your phone. The days where you find messages from him while you awake has passed, now all you see was the wallpaper of a lonely alley, nothing like a yellow envelope. You find yourself staring blankly at the alley, those feelings that washed over you weren't something you can explain : It wasn't heartbreak, no, you didn't hear anything break; it wasn't sorrow, no, you didn't shed a tear; it was, in fact, a fine combination of all feelings...

    And everything repeats itself, like a broken cassette, jamming between the tape, replaying, and replaying... And replaying...

    All those days you had together seemed like a dream, the words he said, the messages he sent, the happiness he gave, the laughter he created, and your lively self he'd awaken... But it wasn't a dream, for he will be standing right in front of you, too real to ignore.