• Chronicles of the Forgotten

    Can I make any more mistakes in one morning? Let’s see where it started. I called him over, that’s one. Gave him specific directions not to listen to any protest I may give, two which was very smart of my stupidity. And three let him in when he knocked on the door. I wonder what I was smoking last night to do some like this. What ever it was never again will I do it.
    He stepped toward me. I took a step back .We were moving across my living room heading directly toward the wall. Forward, back, forward, back we continued our dance. Soon I was backed against the wall trapped in my own condo. He put his hands on both sides of the wall trapping me further, whatever little chance of my escape vanished. He what just taller than me around 5’9”. He was lean and full of hard muscles I had yet to touch. His hair was a light brown that borders blonde. More than worthy of his own book series…

    He leaned and kissed me, stopping any further thoughts I had on the subject. His lips were like lava pouring into me. They were kind and knowledged. Mine felt clumsy in comparison. I felt like I was going to boil from the inside out, and I didn’t mind what so ever. His hands moved from the wall, one to my back the other the base of my spine. Every touch felt like a miniature suns. I was slightly afraid that I would have sun burn everywhere he touched. I stopped worrying about it as I kiss intensified.

    Suddenly there was a ringing noise nearby causing me to jump. I felt something vibrating in my pocket my cell phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the caller id. It was Cole, a friend from school, who was teaching me to date. Once I saw who it was from I probably should have ignored it, instead I looked at the boy silently asking if it was okay, praying he said no. Sadly, he nodded let go of me and walked into my kitchen. I flipped open my phone so fast the top could have snapped. “What?” I said with a lot more menace than I planned. I quickly thought of being mean in hopes of him going away faster, but that would never work, plus it was hard for me to actually try to be mean.

    Laughing he replied, “I was going to the movies soon and thought to invite you. But if I am interrupting something…”

    “Yes you are interrupting important me time bye now.” I snapped the phone shut and turned toward the kitchen. I grilled cheese sounded good. After a few steps, I felt something behind me. Spinning around I saw the man I tried to avoid for years. A scream rose in my trough but I dared not make a sound, dropping my phone in silent horror.

    I woke screaming. Everything had been so familiar but I couldn’t place it. Who were they? Could these be my lost memories, but why would they appear now? This was too much to deal with when I had work today.

    I pulled myself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. I started a cold shower and got in. I got out soon afterwards and padded to my closet grabbing a simple t-shirt and jeans. It was pointless to check the weather it almost never changed. I grabbed my bag and sweater and headed to work. I walked the mile there as I always did since I didn’t drive.

    The walk was the same as always. The walk was bland along with the people. Not a good choice of setting for a story. I work part time at a local pub. I changed into our red and black uniforms the locker room. All females whore a black polo shirt and a plaid skirt with a pair of boots. I have been working here for the about a year and a half. It’s always very lively but for midmorning, the crowd seemed extra rowdy. I really didn’t think much of it. I took my station behind the bar. For all my clumsiness, I can spin those bottles like a pro. I took break three hours later, changing quickly, I left with the next last part of my manuscript. I walked to my publisher’s office, which was a block away.

    My publisher’s office looked like any other multistory cement building. Tall, plain, and gray. I walk into the main building and up the stairs turning onto the second floor hall. The second door on the left is my publisher’s office. I walk in and wave to the girl at the front desk. Walk over and knock on the door. An overly perky voice calls me in. I walk in and sat in one over the overstuffed chairs.

    “Hey doll face. You’re as cute as ever. Did you finish?” asked a short woman who looked like she was in her late forties wearing a crisp blue suite. She would have made a great model for Barbie’s mother.

    “Hi. I have second to last chapter, I will be done tomorrow.” I tell Carrie Left, my publisher, who smiles sweetly.

    She’s been publishing books for the about sixty years and takes on few clients. I guess that makes my writing special. I had been working for her since I crossed over. She found me by chance. I had posted a chapter of my book on a website that publishers use to find new writers. I hoped it would be picked up quickly, The next day I had an email from her office say to come in with more. I had already done the first half so I brung it in. she loved the idea and my style, and was overjoyed to hear it was part of a series. Now I am on the last book in that series and my last book for a few months.

    “Are sure you want to stop it here?” she asks for the hundredth time.

    “Yes. I am sure. There is no way to continue it the way it is now.” which was a lie. I already had at least fifth teen ways to change it to further the series in just the last chapter. Carrie sighed.

    Looking at the clock on the wall I realized I had six minutes left of break. “Crap I got to go here” I tossed the chapter to onto her desk and rushed out the door. “Bye” I cried over my shoulder. I ran out of the office and down the stairs faster then ever. Jumping down the last five steps I ran out of the door and down the street not even looking for traffic luckily there wasn’t much and I only had to cross two lanes, both practically empty, and not heading my way.

    I skidded into the back room just in time. I slid in my time card before changing back into my uniform and start severing tables. I finished my workday at the same time as the sun. Going back to the locker room to change for the last time and sign out my time card. I walked home not worried about being alone after dark.

    Once back in my condo I made dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, its pretty much the only meal I can make successfully almost every time. I ate dinner quietly doodling in my notebook. Walking into my room, I went to my computer and finished my manuscript. Bored with extra time I started another series, based off my doodled story. Drawing a picture of the main character, I realized it was about the boy from my dream. It came flooding back to me with rage. Shaking my head trying to clear it I typed more and more until I was so tired I felt like I could fall asleep at that very moment. So I got up from my desk, put on my pajamas and laid down. I was asleep before I could put the covers over me...

    Chapter 2

    I followed helplessly behind after him as he grabbed my wrist roughly and lead me to the back of my condo. Everything numbed upon seeing his gruff face. His once amazing forest green eyes full of care now filled with animosity and cruelty. His chin was covered with rough whiskers making it impossible to begin to picture his once clean shaven face. He reeked of garbage and sweat far from the fancy colognes he once wore. He was far from the man I had known as a child.

    His movements were quick, full of purpose and intent. His gripped on my wrist tightened as we made it to the rear of the condo. I stumbled along behind him; the only sounds were of our footsteps muffled by the soft carpet. We passed my bedroom; the window was wide open blowing at my curtains. The billowed and twirled as he pushed me past. He shoved me into the master bath, which was just down the hall, forcing me onto my knees in front of the bathtub. He tied my wrist behind my back with some string he pulled out of his pocket, stopping me form struggling too much.

    He walked to the door closing and locking it. Walking back to where I was kneeling in front of the tub, numb, he whispered the same words as before. “My darling daughter you are to blame for my life falling apart. Let me teach you how to hold your breath.”

    I a tear slid down my cheek as I remembered that day all too clearly. I’d been in the pool behind the house when daddy had come out to play. He got in and said he was going tell me a new swimming technique. Later I learned he was upset because he caught my mother cheating and blamed me for this. He tried to drown me, but was stopped by a neighbor who was working in his yard. Father went away for a week. A week after that our neighbor was found dead. My father was convicted and found guilty for this crime. As they were taking him away he swore to come back for his precious little girl.

    That was ten years ago exactly today. He pushed me head forward about an inch above the water. The tear slid form my check splashing into the water, “Don’t cry sweetheart, no father likes to see their little girl in tears, but my have you grown. I can hardly say little.” Grabbing a hand full of hair he yanked my head back. Even though it hurt badly I still made not a sound.

    He wiped away the tears that had escaped my eyes, as he had done ten years ago. I stared into his eyes numbly trying to find the man that had once raised and loved me. After wiping the last tear he shoved my head forward again, into the water filled tub. I held my breath instinctively. Father noticed and kicked me in the stomach, knocking the air out of me. I pulled in a mouth full of water trying to breath, hearing his cruel laughter above me. I thought I heard a knock on the door as I struggled to breathe. Father stopped laughing.

    He let go of me pulling something out of his tattered coat pocket. I yanked my head out of the water, coughing and spitting it out of my lungs. Father aimed the gun at the door as the boy tried to get it open, pulling on the door knob. Cocking the gun he aimed about where the boys heart would be.

    “Run!” I shouted, not wanting him to get hurt. “Save yourself. Run!” Father slapped me hard across the cheek with the butt of the gun, I could taste blood. The doorknob stopped rattling for a moment, and then there was the sound of metal breaking. The door flew open as my father took aim once again and fired at the boy.

    A red flower bloomed over his chest as I watched in horror. My father turned to me and pointed squeezed the trigger. I didn’t feel the pain as the bullet zipped into me, less than an inch form my heart. Father leered over me happy at the pain he had caused, delighted he turned and left. My eyes turned to the boy, ho lay still on the white tile. I slowly crawled over to him, wanting to undo what had happened.

    He turned his head to face me, eyes sad. I cried blaming myself for all of this. If I hadn’t have been stupid and called him over he wouldn’t have been hurt. He would have been safe and sound somewhere else. It was my fault that he was going to die for something he wasn’t a part of.

    He reached up and touched my cheek. “Please don’t cry over me. I chose to come over; I chose to try to help instead of running. It wasn’t your fault Tally.”

    I shook my head, “You’re wrong, he was here for me. It’s my fault your hurt.” I rest my head upon his shoulder.

    “Tally,” he called softly tilting my chin to look at him, “I must tell you while I have the chance. I love you and if I could I would trade my life for yours.” He kissed me gently on the forehead. I scooted closer to him as the world faded to black and all was dark…