• So there we were... traveling in the forest with Findley and his men. At least it didn't last long when we spotted and ran into a group of British soldiers setting up base camp. This isn't like the French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte, but Findley said that Crassus is in control of the British as well as he is in control of other nations. Either way, the only way to get farther in the forest is to clash anyone in which we suspected as part of Crassus' armies. Let's just say that Crassus has more than undead legions; he has a lot of resistance armies and other groups that are what I would call "mavericks".

    [as we're marching in the forest with our men and troops...]

    Raymond Findley: This forest seems to be quiet... almost, TOO quiet.

    Me: I wonder where the elven warriors may be?

    Baruch van Austins: I heard that some of them are usually hidden during daylight hours.

    Soren Whisperwind: Well, that may be true, but there are other kinds of elven warriors that actually remain hidden around nighttime. I heard that elven warriors can ambush their foes by remaining COMPLETELY hidden in the shadows---that is, if they are able to surround their enemies completely.

    Me: Well, at least it's daytime. Maybe we'll run into a group of elves, or maybe not.

    Raymond Findley: Probably their towns have been recently sieged around here, but I doubt all of the elves have perished. Let's just hope that there's a few survivors here and there that have evacuated just in time.

    [we continue following the path]

    Raymond Findley: Hey, you guys see anything?

    [we all started to look around for a brief moment]

    Shinon Stormrage: I don't see anything.

    Raymond Findley: I suspect of an ambush nearby.... or a base camp. The undead might be expecting us, so stay on your toes, men. If anything happens, we'll have to---

    [gunfire sounds. We all get down. After a few moments of pausing from the second batch of gunfire and explosions...]

    Shinon Stormrage: What the hell was that?

    Soren Whisperwind: Must be an invasion. Maybe the undead legions have stormed in and attacked the elven warriors.

    Raymond Findley: There's more than just the undead. I heard Crassus has other armies in various nations such as the British and GLA. He calls them "resistance" armies.

    Me: I think they're more like mavericks. I have no clue how Crassus would capture armies from other countries, but since they have joined Crassus and his legions---

    [more gunshots go off. The first few of Findley's men were shot down. Pretty soon, everyone freaks out]


    [battle cries and loud gunshots. All of a sudden, we notice hidden British soldiers in the forest]

    Raymond Findley: Damn, the British have been occupying this forest for quite sometime!

    Me: I didn't know they would be here!

    Raymond Findley: No time to explain! ATTACK!

    [I jumped out of a trench and pulled out my rapier, engaging the British in hand-to-hand combat]

    Baruch van Austins: [clashes with the British soldiers in sword battles, impaling one and slitting a second soldier's throat off] Hey, Dave! A little help here!

    Soren Whisperwind: I'll take care of this! [turns to his spellcasters] FIRE!

    [Soren and his friends blast fire and thunderbolts at the British soldiers]

    Me: [slays five British soldiers while Baruch kills the sixth one and shoots at a few more with guns] You alright?

    Baruch van Austins: Yeah, kind of. This is mutiny!

    Me: Tell me about it!

    [cannon explosion occurs, leaving several of Findley's men killed. Findley himself is badly injured]

    Raymond Findley: Aaaaaaahhhh! A LITTLE HELP HERE!!!!

    Noriko Sanban: Hold on! [she and Megumi Tekarukite lift him up and get him to safety]

    Ada Tekarukite: I'll handle this! [shruiken at RR4 towards the British soldiers in the forest, killing as nearly as ten of them]

    Shinon Stormrage: [uses hunter's bow at RR4, killing two British soldiers]

    Raymond Findley: [badly in pain] GET THE CANNONS, READY!

    [the cannons are drawn out and being set off, one by one. The majority of British soldiers are killed, but there are more being reinforced. The battle still continues....]

    (End of Chapter 8, Part 3)