Fallen heart: chapter 1- burn
He sat there looking at me as it sunk in.
"When you said we, you didn't mean..." He looked away and i instantly knew it. "You did.." I gasped.He walked around in circles around me, pacing like a dangerous cat.
"Your bad luck for us Angel. People are starting to notice, Kyle has to move because people havent seen him change in the 5 years he's been here." He stopped infront of me and his eyes turned cold. "We can't have you around anymore."
I started to cry, i didn't notice the tears at first. "D-dont leave...I wont talk to you, look at you or anything just please don't leave! Change me fully for all I care! Take my soul! Just don't leave! Please!"
He grabbed me by the chin and pulled my face up, I didn't remember looking down. "You're not good for me anymore. I DON'T WANT YOU. I HATE YOU!' For a second I swear his eyes softened into the lovely sky blue i knew but in a blink they were gone. Replaced by burning, icy blue abesses.
The last thing I remember, is that he turned around and ran away. His words faintly gathered on the wind, so soft I must have imagened them.
"Be safe..." after all why would he care for a person that he hates. I took a step to follow him, my legs went numb and the world went dark.
*~-__ (^)__-~*
"Hellllooooo....Angel? Ok lets try this in a different language. Hola? Bonjouir? ANGEL!"
Suddenly I noticed the hand waving in front of my face.
"Kate?" I asked the overly perky blonde in front of me.
"Oh thank god, finnally, you answer me. Angel I thought you blacked out on us." Her voice was to squeeky. I got up and walked out, class was over anyways. Not surprisingly Kate followed me like a squirrel on crack, bobbing up and down, ponytail waving.
"Kate can you please leave me alone?" I hissed. Kate looked at me with a mock hurt expression.
"Oh, come on Angel! I know your upset that Bre left but you need to get over it!" She screamed at me and ran down the hall.
I could feel the pain comming on, it always started in my throat first and then blazed it's way into my chest, like poison. I fell against the lockers gripping my chest, I couldn't breathe. I crumbled to the floor. I faintly noticed that everyone was gone, thank god no one could see me like this, I wondered breifly how much of a hot mess I looked, but another crippling wave a pains came over me.
Someone took me into their arms and carried me out of the school but i was too busy screaming in pain to remember who it was, but i knew it was a boy.
"It's okay, jsut calm down." I'll never forget that voice. He set me down outside and stuck something in my hand. He stayed there intill I finnally could open my eyes. when I did he was gone. I looked down into the letter in my hand, Slowly, as in a dreamlike state, I opened it up and read it.
The widows call you, when you feel their pull, follow what they whisper to you in soft words to the place where you belong. I'll be watching you.
I gasped in a breath that i had been holding the whole time.
"Well, hell...
Fallen heart: chapter 1- burn
Torgrita uchiha
Angel is a half werewolf, half vampire and falls in love with a fallen angel. When people start to notice that Brandon doesn't age and either does his family, they have to move or be killed. The only way for Brandon to leave behind Angel is to break her heart.
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