• should i leave or should i stay should i live or should i die y leave me to decide my fate i will surely die but look it is to late i am now dead ihave fallen to the deepest pits of my soul waiting for u to come like an angel and save me from the darkness of my mind but u never have come threw for me u hate me but i love u while i am dieing u r at the side of my bed but u get so inpatient for me to die u shoot but it is too late i am dead but wait it is just a dream but it is my life i awake to see your face u say u love me but at that moment u lied u r a lier u hate me with the graetest hate and intensity why do u even care to hide it but i leave threw the door while i am thinking death is a privilidge so y live the life before i leave threw the door while u r not even able to comprehend that i am gone forever u cant get me back i am now dead u cry on the outside but on the inside u r happy i will haunt u forever ur life is a hell now because mine is still one