• Her hair was a beautiful red-brown
    Her eyes the doors to her very soul
    Where a man could loose everything
    Body, heart, soul, mind
    I gave it all to her
    She gave everything back
    Her heart belong to someone else
    She is my only love, the reason I breathe
    I’ve given her my heart, my life
    Every thought on my mind is of her
    She haunts my nights, my mornings
    I want her near me, beside me
    Comforting me when I’m sad
    Her heart should belong to me
    I’d treat her like the princess she is
    I’d worship her like a goddess
    None can give to her what I’d give to her
    Yet all she grants me is a small smile
    Her beautiful eyes filled with compassion
    A hint of sadness that she can’t be with me
    Promises of a life we can never have
    And yet it fills me with hope of a day
    When her heart will be mine
    When I can feel my hands in her hair
    Every care that I ever had dissipates
    She is the only one on my mind
    She is the only one I shall ever love
    She is my everything