• Why is my life so chaotic?
    My grandma yells she screams and tells
    She tells me what to do like I’m a slave
    Yes your thinking now, well you have chores
    Well let me tell you do these sound like average chores
    Feed the dogs and take them out that’s ten to be precise
    Do the laundry all the laundry even mine, her help? No way!
    The drier is broken my fault of course but who said was the dog beds?
    Why her of course!
    The car is broken! The gas tank is filled with dog food! Who’s fault you ask?
    Mine of course!
    So I explain I missed a few pieces of dog food on the ground. But does that matter?
    No of course not!
    My weekends are great, I’m not a slave or blamed for what I did not do.
    My mother loves me like no other
    But Sunday night must come at some point
    Back home to grandma. A slave once more
    Do you believe my life is bad?
    I bet you would say I’m being stupid
    Well lets see if I can change your mind
    Taken away at nine-years old given to grandma she molded me as her own
    Do what she says listen to no other, be her slave! What has this world come too?
    She’s stuck in the past, treats me like she did with her kids.
    She lowers my confidence, she makes me feel inferior, all I’ am is her slave.
    She never showed me love, I do not know what it is, until I see my mother.
    Feeling so unwanted five days a week , only wanted at times to be someone’s slave.
    So tell me now how do you feel? I’ll tell you how I feel unwanted, not needed, and
    Most unloved.
    So what do you think now? Is my life worth living? Not at this moment.
    I can’t take two more years of this!