• As leaves of atumn fall to the ground,
    In an ocean of thoughts, I was drowned...
    My mind wanders the gaps of oblivion,
    My heART is screaming for your attention...

    You stared at me as if I wasnt there,
    You stared so deep that it looked like a glare...
    Your brown eyes burned in great torment,
    Seeing which, stopped my world at that moment....

    I never wanted to cause you this misery,
    I wanted you to be my happy memory...
    I couldnt leave you; not now, not ever,
    Coz with you, my existence would be a stagnant river...

    You offered everything; I turned my back,
    You gave your life to me despite all that i lack...
    You looked beyond the imperfection i had,
    My every scream, you considered a ballad...

    I want to hug you but i know i cant,
    Not when there's a wall that between us, stands...
    The coldness of my fading existence is a constant reminder,
    That you and i are not meant for each other...

    Hold bavck those tears; help me let go,
    The fact that you love me is all i need to know...
    Dont worry my love for this is not he end,
    Coz although death has done us part, someday it'll lead us back once again....

    heart heart heart