• we grew up far apart, but we grew together,
    we where like two birds of one feather.
    we became each others best friends.

    you meanded my broken heart many a time,
    you and i where the paint on a mime.
    you couldn't have the one with out the other.

    we never changed much, hell if we cared
    as long as we had each others friendship we where fine.
    we never fought, never went to blows.

    we were inseperalble, until that day.
    moving day came for me and we said out good byes.
    i didn't think we would never see each other again.

    why did you do it man? i wish i knew.
    why did you jump from that bridge? did you want to prove something?
    i miss my little brother man, i miss you.
    you where always like a brother to me man.
    through thick and thin, we never fought.