• My heart was an empty abyss before I knew you
    Every day was spent sitting quietly amongst friends
    They laughed, joked, teased, and played
    But not me

    But then you came along
    Your vibrant blond hair and those lovely blue eyes
    That gorgeous face and those sweet lips
    You captivated my heart right away

    I did not confront you,
    I was too shy to even consider doing so
    But you were the bold one
    You talked to me first

    Art club was your excuse
    You dragged me there after school
    Then we walked around town together afterward
    I didn't mind, you had my heart on a leash I was willing to follow

    Then one day my heart was torn
    An old girlfriend that had gotten a hold of me before you let me go
    But you were there for me that night
    And you took me as your own, to love and care for

    You started to mend my heart
    Your sweet kisses and kind words doing miracles I never thought possible
    I started to become a better person
    All the while falling deeper and deeper in love

    Then I learned through your trust that you too have had it hard in your life
    Your heart broken many more times than I could bear to count
    But we were together as one,
    So I began to heal you, as you were me

    And now here we are
    Almost a year away from that day we got together
    And one thousand miles separate us
    But our bond keeps growing stronger

    But now, like before
    Even though I have your undying love
    My heart feels naught but pain in your absence
    And I can only hope that you come back to me
    And make our hearts whole once more...