• If I could live for another day to pretend everything is going to be okay....
    Would it be?
    Or would it just be the same?
    If I could hope to stand on my own.
    To live without fear.
    Could you be the hand to catch me if I fall?
    If I was lost in mind and world.
    Would you be there to navigate me back?
    Or would you just sit there all relaxed.
    Could you pretend you cared at least a little?
    I doubt it.
    You never tired.
    You lied.
    You walk your own.
    Take for yourself.
    You lack the compassion to even shed one tear.
    Your life revolves around your fear.
    Cause you stand lost, alone, and shattered.You rely on others to be near.
    Look around.
    You're not the only one in pain.
    I yearn for you to see.
    That some people have it more horrid than your life would ever be.
    People on the street.
    People with disease.
    You crying with undeniable need.
    No, Not need.
    Find a place that is so far away.
    Think about every little thing that makes you think your life is miserable.
    Think of the things that I ask.
    I just want you
    You to care.
    To be here for me to talk to.
    Not for you to cry to me.
    Do you believe we could ever be?
    I don't think so.
    Cause with you never here to help me.
    You left me to fall in your misery.
    How does it feel to know:
    To pity yourself.
    That at the same time.
    You've drowned me.
    In the torment that filled my lungs with such jealousy.