• In the maternity ward a husband paces
    As he awaits his family's faces
    He wishes sooner his child would come
    His mind cannot handle the bearing she's done

    His wife and soon mother is screaming in pain
    He would rather it be him in her place
    As the doctor helps her along this miracle
    The husband stands and is lyrical
    When he says:

    "Through the pain, through it all
    You are still beautiful
    In my heart you're the bravest of them all
    In my eyes you are the greatest mother
    I could not have asked for a more perfect life
    And I owe you my heart for you showed me the light
    As I stand here you are a shining beauty
    I'll love you forever and you'll be my pure ruby."

    As the doctor hands her the baby she created
    She calls her to her husband "Oh I can't believe he made it!
    I couldn't be happier if I were rich
    Because I'm lucky enough with my husband and kid
    Our baby has your eyes and my little nose
    I hope he grows up like his father chose."

    Eighteen years fly by them so fast
    The boy moves out and into his own house.
    The mother cries for days, she misses her sweet child.
    She misses his reckless behavior, the way he was wild.

    The husband comes into the kitchen the morn
    After the son proposed to the girl he adored
    He pours his coffee and the wife starts to cry.
    The man tells his wife:

    "Through the pain, through it all
    You are still beautiful
    In my heart you're the bravest of them all
    In my eyes you are the greatest mother
    I could not have asked for a more perfect life
    And I owe you my heart for you showed me the light
    As I stand here you are a shining beauty
    I'll love you forever and you'll be my pure ruby"