![User Image](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v134/kawaiirina/Karina2.jpg)
*sigh* It's my 7th grade yearbook piccy.. I'm just missing my hair.. gonk
Onwards, cow.
Gaia life: So yes, I've been slowing down with gaia...a lot. @_@; I just ha ve nothing to do, and it's not fun for me anymore gonk Oh, for my quest, I ah ve to give a special thanks to everyone that would post in my thread to bump it up a little, thankeh so much gonk heart But, I barely have time to get online anymore, sooo... I just don't know xp I might finish my quest and then take a break, or just take a damn break right now x_x;
IRL: I tried out for track today. Damn that was hell x___x; We did excersises and s**t, but then... she made us do drills o.x Meaning, we had to run the 100yrd, then walk upto the 200yrd cone, run the 200yd, then walk back upto the start point, and run the 400yrd lap, we were running with 6 people in each group. After we finished that, we had a 2 minute break of water, and to do that again, in reverse order though. Damn I'm out of shape o__<; The first drills were good, but when it came to the second ones, for the 400yrd, I walked half xp
So, track try-outs ended, mommy came to pick me up, came home, and fell o_x; I was so incredibly tired that I never made it to my bed xd When people started to call and ask how my try-outs went, I had to tell them that I'm on the floor, they had no mercy on me xp .... sooo.. I got try-outs tomorrow as well, and up till Thursday. Don't have to go on Friday becoz' I'm going to ze dance whee <3.. hopefully I make ze team 3nodding <3
</3 .: Rina :. <3
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