I had to write this story for science so i gonna put up so peple can read it enjoy it it is weard so be prepared
Ninja’s learning Science
One day in Konaha the ninjas at the academy were being randomly tested on science questions. Each squad had a list of words on weather and the earth they had to define. Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura all looked at the list. “Why are we doing this again we are ninjas’ Naruto complained about the assignment. “ Why does it matter Naruto we should just do it” Sasuke said looking at the piece of paper and reading over the words. “We don’t even know half the information on this paper though” Sakura said. “Sure we do you two just never listened in class or read a book” Sasuke said putting the paper down. “Hah why don’t you try and impress us Uchiha” Neji said. ‘Fine, I will explain weather. Weather is the conditions in the atmosphere that at a particular time and place, but it changes from day to day. Like today’s weather is rainy but tomorrow could be sunny” Sasuke said looking out the window at the thunderstorm that was currently going on. “I dought that is going to happen though, its supposed to rain for the next three days” Sasuke said “That is correct Sasuke, a perfect definition and true about the weather” Iruka said. “What that can’t be correct the definition Sasuke just gave was the climate definition” Naruto complained. “No the definition of climate is the yearly temperature it happens every year” Sasuke said giving Naruto a what an idiot look. “Ohhh” Naruto said. Sasuke sighs at Naruto and asked sarcastically “Does any one else need an explanation of any other words.” The whole class jumped at him for answers as if he were serous. “I said I would give an explanation that doesn’t mean that I am gonna do your homework for you” Sasuke said. The class jumped back in there seats disappointed. “Okay this whole sheet is due tomorrow so if one of your squad members doesn’t do it you all retrieve a zero in that team” Iruka announced. Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto with an evil glare. He got the hint if he didn’t do the homework Sasuke and Sakura were gonna kill him. Iruka continued explaining some tips. “I recommend since you are in groups of 3 to split the last 20 among each other” Iruka said. “Now you have ten minutes to talk with each other and sort it out on your own” He said leaving us alone. Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto went over with there papers. Sakura and Naruto copied down Sasuke definitions of Climate and Weather. “So how we splitting these between us” Sasuke asked hands in pockets waiting for his paper back. “Guess we could count off” Naruto said. “Why don’t we start with the oldest” Sakura said. “Doesn’t matter to me I’m gonna get is done just as fast no matter what” Sasuke said. “So who is the oldest?” Naruto asked. “Well my birthday is in March” Sakura said. “Mine is in July” Sasuke said. Naruto pouted “I’m in October?” That means Sakura has the first than I go and Naruto you get the third on and then we start over again. “But there is still two left over for some one to do” Sakura said. “I’ll take the last two; I don’t care just get these vocab words done so we don’t get a failing grade.” Sasuke said marking his off.
The next morning surprisingly Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke had all of there homework done. All they had to do was write down the other two’s definitions. They sat down in there seats happily that there was going to be a grade there. “Good morning class” Iruka said coming in. “Good morning Iruka sensai” “I can imagine you are wondering how I am going to check your home work right, well I am going to go and pick randomly some of you to give me the answer, say I pick Ino and Ino got it wrong I would go to the next team mate and see if they new it if not I move on to the last team mate and if they are wrong that the hole team gets a zero so be careful what you say” Iruka said. Naruto looked at there team confidently because they had Sasuke on there team. “Okay first one is…well since I used Ino as an ensample I will start with you, what is the Atmosphere” Iruka said. Ino paused. “Do you know the answer Ino” Iruka asked. “Ummm… No” Ino answered. “Than what about you Shikamaru” He asked. “Sorry sensei I don’t know it” He said. Iruka sighed. “Okay before I continue did anybody do the homework” He asked. Three lonesome hands rose. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were the only three that did the homework. “It is pathetic that only three students did this assignment and a miracle that Naruto actually did his homework” Iruka said. “So what are we going to do since our team is the only one that did this stupid thing” Naruto said. “Well I guess it is going to be between the three of you” Iruka said. Than let’s do this thing and get it over” Naruto said. The three ninjas stood up and were ready to be asked their questions. I’m going to go into a circle starting with Sakura than going to Sasuke finish with Naruto okay then Sakura what is the definition for Atmosphere” Iruka said. “Atmosphere is the layers of gasses surrounding the earth” Sakura said. “That is correct Sakura, all right then Sasuke what is Ozone” Iruka said. “Ozone is a form of Oxygen that has three oxygen molecules instead of the usual two” Sasuke answered. “That is also correct Sasuke not that I expected less from you, Now you Naruto what is water vapors” Iruka asked. “That’s easy its water in the form of a gas like steam is an ensample” Naruto answered. “Actually that is correct Naruto good job, back to Sakura what is Pollutant” He questioned. “A pollutant is something that is harmful to the air and environment” Sakura said. “That is a good explanation Sakura” Iruka said giving a graceful smile. “Okay Sasuke what is Acid Rain” “Ohhh come on sensei cant you give me something harder than that” Sasuke complained. “Ether answer or miss a question” Iruka said. “Fine Acid Rain is rain that is more acidic than normal” Sasuke answered. “Correct Sasuke, not that you would have not gotten that but any way Naruto what is smog” He said. “Ummm… what I do know this one I think” Naruto said. He sat there thinking for a wile and then decided to give in. “Okay Sakura do you know the answer” He asked turning her way. “Sorry sensei I don’t know that one” Sakura said looking at Sasuke. “Well than Sasuke do you know the answer” Iruka said. “Lucky for them yes, Smog is the brown hazy clouds in the sky that are created from a mixture of ozone and other chemicals with nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons and other pollutants witch react to each other when in sunlight” Sasuke answered fluently with out hesitation. “That was perfect Sasuke and you are also right that your team is lucky to have you” Iruka said. Okay since Naruto missed that one we will go back to Sakura, What is Density” Iruka asked. “Density is the amount of mass given to a volume” Sakura answered. “That is right Sakura okay on to the next one Sasuke what is Pressure” Iruka asked. “Pressure is the force pushing on an area” Sasuke answered getting irritated at the fact that he was getting all the easy questions. “Next question is Air pressure what is it Naruto” “Air Pressure is force pushing down on air right” Naruto said. ‘Actually you are right again Naruto” Iruka said. “On to the next one Sakura what is a Barometer” Iruka asked. “Barometer is used to measure the change in air pressure” Sakura answered confidently. “That is right Sakura, Sasuke what is a Mercury Barometer” Iruka asked. ‘A Mercury Barometer is a certain type of air pressure barometer that when the air pressure raises the mercury in the glass tube goes up” Sasuke answered sounding bored. “Right again Sasuke” Iruka said. “Naruto what is an Aneroid Barometer. “This type of Barometer is made of mettle and is very sensitive to pressure change so when the air pressure drops it bulges and when it increases it becomes extremely thin” Naruto explained. “Right Naruto but you are still one question behind Sasuke and Sakura” Iruka said. “HE KNOWS ALL READY JUST GIVE THE NEXT WORD” The entire class screamed. “Okay, okay Sakura what is Altitude” He asked. “Altitude is the level above sea level” Sakura said “Right Sakura, Sasuke what is the Troposphere” Iruka asked. “That is the lowest layer of the atmosphere were all the whether occurs” Sasuke said now standing with his hands in his pocket. ‘Right again Sasuke” Iruka said, Naruto what is the Stratosphere” Iruka asked. “Umm… I think the Stratosphere the second lowest layer and is where the ozone layer resides” Naruto said unsure of his answer. “Naruto that is correct, so on to Sakura what is the Mesosphere” Iruka asked. The Mesosphere is the middle layer of the earth and where most meters burn up” Sakura answered. “Right again Sakura, Sasuke what is the Thermosphere” Iruka said relieved they only had a few more words to go. “The Thermosphere is the out most layer of the earth’s atmosphere” Sasuke answered. “Sasuke do I even need to tell you that you are right” Iruka asked. “No but you do any way” Sasuke said. “Any way Naruto what is the Ionosphere” “The Ionosphere is the lower part of the Thermosphere this is where eclectically charged ions are found” Naruto answered. “Right again, Sakura what is the Aurora Borealis” He asked. Sakura paused. “I don’t know” Sakura said. “Than Sasuke what is the Aurora Borealis” He asked. “The Aurora Borealis is the same thing as the Northern Lights but it is a colorful glow of lights that show when the sun strikes oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the ionosphere” Sasuke answered. “Right again and Sasuke this last word is yours what is the Exosphere” Iruka asked. “The Exosphere is the outer layer of the ionosphere it extends all the way into space” Sasuke said with his eyes closed. “Correct Sasuke” Iruka said. “Sasuke….he know thinks the whole class didn’t and succeeded with fling colors at his mission. If that were a real mission you all would have failed miserably except squad 7. The next assignment that I give must be done by all even if you don’t know the answers to the questions. You should have known all of that though we did go over it. Sasuke for your good and hard work of your team you three do not have to do the homework and get tomorrow off devoted to your own amusement. “Whatever, doesn’t really matter to me” Sasuke said. The whole class left the classroom. The next day Sasuke used his time to sit down and read his book called the Dark Night, Naruto went and had a ramen fest and Sakura went swimming for the day. None of them even noticed that the weather that day was absolutely beautiful.
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