Event ONLY Items
Below are items that are 'event' only items! Please do not confuse these with Donation Items/Monthly Collectibles/Thank You Letters, because they are not related in any way. exclaim I would like to thank heart Lucretia MacEvil for continuing to help update the list. THANK YOU!!!
- GAIA's 1st Formal Ball (March 7th 2003)
The first event where the admins revealed the very first Pink Box

- Easter Event 2003
Watch out for that flying egg with wings!!

- October 2003 Trick-or-Treat
Go store to store trick or treating for candies in full Halloween costume. And collect em all...

- December 2003
Thanks for donating your gold to The Barton Charities! Santa left you a gift...this morning

- Gaia's Anniversary Ball 2004
Thank you for attending Gaia's Anniversary Ball hosted by Gambino.

- Easter Event 2004
Collecting eggs all over Gaia! And get a basket!

- The Gaia Olympics 2004
Go Go Gino! Make your father proud!

- October 2004 Trick-or-Treat

- December 2004

- Gaia's Anniversary Ball 2005

- Anti Gambino/ Von Helson Boycott 2005

- Easter Event 2005

- October 2005 Trick-or-Treat

- December 2005

- Gaia New Years Eve 2006

- Gaia's Anniversary Ball 2006

- Easter Event 2k6
Images: [NPC] Easter Bunny, The Basket, You Won!, Comic.

- Trick-Or-Treat 2k6 Event
Alien Zapping, Cow Tipping & Gaian Probing!

- Investigate the Zurg November-December 2006
The Zurg interface!!

- XMas 2006 - December 20, 2006
Santa Cow vs. Zurg Santa...Santa's been kidnapped!
Santa Cow

Zurg Santa


- Valentine's Day Event 2007

- Gaia's 4th Anniversary Ball (Feb 23-25)

- New Line Cinema presents The Last Mimzy (announcement) or The Last Mimzy

- St. Patrick's Day Event (March 16-19 2007)
Collect four leaf clovers and shamrocks all over Gaia to trade them in for items.

April Fools Event

- Easter Event 2007 (April 6-8 )
Gold for nothing, Chicks for free!