So first I had to get there...

Flying West I got to enjoy one of the longest sunset you'll ever see. Of course upon arriving we were hoping to take a dip in the hot tub but we came in too late and it was closed. sad Rest assured we did get to dip in just not right then. Then there was the matter of getting Downtown. Wasn't too hard. cool And finally we were there. surprised Time to look around then...

Not too many people, not too few, nice weather outside for people to take in some fresh air (and smoke one, yuck xp ) and of course the Dealer's Hall that I only got to on the very last day. sweatdrop I was just so busy enjoying everything else. ninja But of course it wouldn't be an anime convention without cosplayers. pirate Let's see a sample...

And then before you know it, it's over and you have to fly home. sad

I was afraid it wouldn't be as fun as AX which was my first con but this one turned out to be even more fun. surprised I look forward to making my way to another con... someday.
Community Member
*wonders if she'll cosplay at her first convention*
heart Got' real-life married to my Gaian lovey heart [/color:39446a2dfa]