Sorry I havn't gotten a chance to write in this thing for a while forgive me yeses and stuff
so for today.. I'm ummm bored and kinda emo for reasons I'd rather not go into only because It's just not right to bring it up but oh well..lets see what happens today oh and the weekly peopel of the day won't be on this oen cuse I said so.. so get over it sorry
Kiname sighed and slowly fell asleep...
Zetsu layed her down and covered her up..."
by the time you wake up tommrow deidara and Sasori will be back"
he whisperd he looked at Sazuna then at tobi whp had went a got a cover for her
Tobi had put the cover over her.
Tobi smiled at him.
"Thank you tobi" zetsu whisperd
"I can't tell her"
"one of us has too..she can't not know"
"I'm not telling my sister her lover is dead,damn it..zetsu if you want her to know you tell her!"
Kiname slowly woke up from teh voices of her akatsuki allies and stared at the now standing nerviously Zetsu and tobi infront of her....Deidara was standing in teh coner his head down.
he looked at kiname then looked down.
"dei-nii-san?"she whispered.
"Kiname-chan?" Tobi whispered walking over to her and putting his hand on her hand on teh bed.
Zetsu figured this was the was teh best time to say it.
"Sasori's dead" he said quickly.
"I'm sorry kiname"Tobi whisperd
Kiname snatched her hand away from Tobi and gave the swirly-faced shinobi the dirtiest look she could muster then snapped her gaze to Zetsu.
"... Zetsu? ... un?" she said slowly, hoping that she had misheard the grass nin.
"... Sasori is dead." Zetsu repeated.
Her eyes widend at Zetsu's words and her hands began to shake.
"... Sh-Show me. U-Un."
They walked to the cave in complete silence.
"In here." Zetsu mumbled, standing in the mouth of the cave where he had found Sasori's dead puppet body.
"SASORI-DANNA!" shrieked Kiname, sprinting into the semi-dark cave, pushing over the puppets littering the floor, trying to find Sasori.
Tobi went to walk into the cave also, but he was stopped by Zetsu.
"Leave her. Sasori and Kianme were closer than you could ever imagine..."
"They seemed like rivals to me." Tobi said, looking curiously at Kiname who was still looking for Sasori frantically.
"... That's just an act." Zetsu said simply, watching Kiname still not looking at tobi.
Kiname was about to lose hope when she saw a shock of red hair on the ground.
"SASORI-DANNA!" she screamed, launching herself over a boulder and running over to the motionless puppet.
she knelt next to Sasori's body and stared at the long swords sticking out from his back.
"... Sasori-danna...? Un...?"she said softly, tapping Sasori's shoulder.
Sasori was silent, his face hidden against the ground.
Kiname felt her eyes prickle and she slowly removed the swords from Sasori's body, softly pushing Sasori's body over so he was lying on his back.
Sasori's eyes were closed. His body was cold. He had to be sleeping... He can't be dead...
"Sasori-danna... Stop sleeping... Un... They're gone now... Just wake up... Un..." whispered KIname, brushing a lock of red hair from Sasori's forehead.
Danna was silent.
"Wake up... I know you're just sleeping... Un..." she whsipered, wrapping her arms around Sasori's bloody and battered body, burying her face into Sasori's cold neck.
"wake up... un..."
She felt tears sting at her eyes and fall down her cheeks, landing on Sasori's shoulder.
"You're... You're not sleeping, are you, danna... Un...?" she whispered, a waterfall of sparkling tears streaming down her face, her arms tightening around Sasori's cold and hard form.
Danna was as silent as he was before.
"... I'll get that b***h..." muttered KIname, slowly and carefully placing Sasori's body back onto the ground, her eyes in shadow.
"I'll kill that little b***h who took my Sasori-danna from me!" growled Kiname, tears continuing to fall from her eyes.
Zetsu placed a hand on Tobi's shoulder and tugged Tobi's coat-shoulder lightly, silently telling Tobi to come closer to him. Tobi took a small side step so he was lightly leaning against Zetsu with his otehr hand he pulled Sazuna into a hug
"He's getting worked up... Don't say a word. He'll kill you." Zetsu whispered to Tobi. Tobi nodding quickly.
"I'LL GET HER! UN!" she screamed, tears of anger streaming down her cheeks, standing above Sasori, one leg on either side of him, as though trying to protect him.
Tobi trembled a little. He had never seen Kiname this mad before... Never.
Actully he had never seen her mad at all..even when she got beat by the leader she was always calm
Zetsu placed a comforting arm around Tobi's neck and patted his head lightly.
Kiname shakily picked up Sasori , Sasori's head falling limply onto Deidara's shoulder.
Zetsu watched as Kiname carried Sasori out of the cave
"... Let him go, Kiname. He's gone." Zetsu said softly.
"HE'S NOT GONE! UN! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! UN! I'LL KILL YOU! UN!" she screamed, her face flushed, trembling with anger, the tears slowly subsiding.
"You can't attack anyone at the moment, Kiname Just let him go so i can eat him." Zetsu said bluntly.
Kiname opened her mouth with a snarl, glaring daggers at Zetsu.
There was silence for a moment, then Zetsu sighed.
"Fine. Keep him. I doubt if I could digest his puppet-mechanics anyway." muttered Zetsu, turning away, nearly pouting.
Kiname gave Zetsu a sinister smirk and tightened her grip around Sasori.
"What do we do now?" asked Tobi timidly, looking from Zetsu to Kiname and back again.
"We go to konoha. i'll kill that ******** b***h! un! SHE TOOK MY SASORI-DANNA WAY FROM ME!" roared Kiname, making Tobi squeak at the sudden outburst.
"No." said Zetsu shortly.
"WADDIYA MEAN 'NO'? UN! c**k-SUCKING b*****d! UN!" screeched Kiname, rounding on Zetsu.
"Leader wants us. We have to go to him before we do anything more." Zetsu said simply, ignoring the insult, looking at her through the needle-like thorns of the fly-trap-like plant around his head.
Kiname glared at him.
"Ive never cared about him..why should I give a ******** if he's calling me now."
Zetsu sighed then looked at her.
"because he has complete control over you and can find you even if you run.."
"Fine. Un." she hissed, hitching Sasori's dead puppet carcass a little further up her body.
"Want some help with that?" asked Zetsu politely.
She gave him a suspicious look.
"I'm not going to eat him." Zetsu sighed, pulling Sasori's body from a reluctant Kiname and stowing him on his hip, under his arm.
Kiname stared at Sasori's dead body that was just hanging there, supported by Zetsu's arm.
"Poor danna... Un..." She whisperd, feeling her eyes prickle with tears again.
"Dying is a natural occurrence. Get used to it." muttered Zetsu, turning and starting to walk away.
Kiname went to draw her sword,to kill the b*****d infront of her who had no idea what she was going through but stopped as she felt Sazuna's hand on hers.
"don't kiname"she whisperd"don't make it another death."
Kiname snatched her hand away from Sazuna's grip and put ehr sword back in it's sheith before running back to Zetsu who had her beloved Sasori under his arm.
Tobi toddled on behind them, playing with Sasori's ring that he was now wearing.
Zetsu glanced over his shoulder (Which was a feat in itself. Glancing over your shoulder while your shoulder is supporting a fly-trap-like plant is kinda hard.) at Tobi, looking pointedly at the ring with his yellow, pupil-less eyes, then at Kiname.
Tobi immediately got the idea, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
There would be mass mayhem, doom, a lot of pain and fireworks if KIname found out he was wearing her beloved danna's ring...
"Hey..." Kiname said slowly, seeming to have the Angst-Raincloud-of-Doom hanging over her head, watching Sasori's arms swing a little as Zetsu walked.
"Where's Sasori-danna's ring?"
'Mayhem, doom, pain and fireworks, here i come...' whimpered Tobi in his head.
"Sasori probrally dropped it in the cave when he was fighting"Zetsu replied seeing Tobi's worried expression.
Kiname stopped and took sasori from Zetsu's arm and turned on her heel and headed back for the cave.
Zetsu watched her and sighed.
"I'm sure she'll...slowly get over it Zetsu-san she can't hold onto him forever..."
Zetsu looked at her.
"I'm not so sure about that Sazuna"
Kiname sat Sasori's body against the wall of the cave and smiled at him.
"don't worry-danna-kun I'll find your ring"She said sweetly running towards teh middle of the cave looking for his ring.
She searched for a while then looked over to checko n sasori,only to see the leader beside him his hand on sasori's smooth blood covered red hair.
"Get your filthy hand off my Sasori-danna"She growled.
The leader just smiled and twisted Sasori's head in the complete oppiste direction it was sussopsed to be.
Kiname took off in a complete run towards teh leader her sword out ready to perice the leader's heart.
The leader grabbed her by the neck picking her up off teh ground choking her.
Kiname dropped her sword as her hands went to the leader's hand around her neck...
and I leave you here.Sasori died and I have pity for Kiname.. I wonder though..why the leader is provoking her anger...and if the others are headed to see the leader..why is he with Kiname....find it all out next time in akatsuki romance 19
but first comment XP

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