Today it was such a weird day, ya know. D: I found out that my other friend at school has an account here. Suddenly everyone seems to know about gaia. Ö.ö SURPRISE! This is so crazy...
I want to put my drawings into my profile but I don't know how. I think I'm takin internet too seriously, though. D: I have no life, because in my "life" I'm the wrong gender.
The guests are still here. They went shopping and came back and now they sleep. Boring, boring, boring.
I don't even know wether I've got homework for tomorrow or not. Probably art, but that doesn't really count. : p I'm supposed to make a car. Zhiguli<3 You know that Russian one. I love them, but art is boring. I can draw you know but art is still boring.
Today I forgot my pencilcase and I'm obviously going to forget it tomorrow again. I'm such an idiot. Then I have to borrow my friends' pens all the time and it's embarrassing. Especially borrowing them to write notes, because that's what I do during the lessons. >.<
Next week it's gonna be my friend's birthday, and i've got absolutely no idea of what to get her. D: Jewellery again? I always buy that to everybody, and I'm supposed to be the creative one. Everyone thinks so but my other friend is actually much better at that stuff. She decided to put stuff inside bigger stuff... Naah, I don't need to explain that to you.
I cut my hair, before that one break which I had, and now it's shorter. I'm being rebel: I want to get to a hairdresser so I spoiled it on purpose. : p
This is meh today:

Actually my shirt is gray. lol.