D: I finally got the permanent curls and now I don't like them. They don't look natural. They are too small and she also curled my fringe. Noooo! Well... I think I'll get used to it. This time I didn't cry like I normally do when I come from hairdresser. lol.
Today that girl has her birthday and I don't know if she is going to like the presents i got her or not. D: Hmm... It's still a few hours before her party starts. I haven't thought of my clothes at all yet. I don't think it's that important, though. But anyhow... Yeah, it's gonna be lots of fun.
I'll also have to think about my own party a little. My grandmother promised to help me with my dress, and today or tomorrow I am making the invitations for it. I will give them out on monday. 10 people will be invited, but I'm not sure yet who. Hehe. I'm sure about 5 people but I don't know about the other half. If you understand.
Yay, I can't wait for summer, definitely. I am going to spain! :3 It's gonna be so cool. Sure, i have been there before but not by car. I love sitting in a car. It will take two or three days. 2-3 days in a car! It's gonna be heaven!
But before that I'll have to survive over the harsh end of year exams. I haven't started studying yet. Yeah, you know. I will start soon but I don't know when and then I'll end up starting the night before. >.< No, this time I will study. I'll swear.
This is me (but my hair is not exactly like that):
