Ok, so we've had our high-speed internet stuff in the house for over a week now and I decided that since no one was home to bug me and I actually had time that I'd hook it up. So I told her this morning that I would hook it up and that was fine. I started setting things up and called her at her friend's house to ask her a simple question and she flips on me. "What do you mean you're setting it up? You have to agree to things; things I have to agree too! We were going to set it up tomorrow together." I'm not ******** setting it up with her, it'll take hours for her to read through every little things because she doesn't know anything about computers and doesn't realize that other people do. I TOLD her I was doing it tonight. I'm not setting it up tomorrow, in fact I might just get up and leave tomorrow. Screw to ******** high-speed I refuse to help that ungrateful stupid adult. She can do it herself. Today was such a good day until I had to speak to her. Why are parents so stupid sometimes? I had finally figured out how to hook everything up and she says that I can't because she wants to read something I could easily print off for her. ********. I was reprimanded for hoping that she'll die on the way home. I'm sick of putting up with her all the time. All she ever does is complain. "You never help me" "No one listens to me" "You left a sock on the floor" "I'm not you're maid" I help out when I don't have homework. If I didn't listen I wouldn't have any quotes now would I? Yeah, there's a sock on the floor but it's in my nice somewhat messy room so leave it alone. If you were my maid then you'd shut up.
There's my rant for the day. Now I'm grouchy and dohnuts won't fix it.
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