[CopyPasta'd (lol) from my DA journal.]
So, my parents left today at like seven to go eat at some (crazy insane i hate it there) Egyptian restaurant with my dad's friends. Now, this restaurant is seriously crazy insane. I hate it. The walls are wallpapered in creepy bumber stickers, signs, and posters, the owner forces people to karaoke while wearing weird hats, and drinks are served in flower vases. It's the place to go if you wanna party. Methinks.
So, of course, they all head over there, at seven. And my mom's all like, "Mmkay, you can make dinner, right? Just microwave these corndogs!", and they all left. And I was like, "Screw that! I'm gonna make SPAGHETTI.".
I have long been aware that I cannot cook for crap, but this temporarily escaped my mind.
So, I boiled the spaghetti, and undercooked it, and things were sticking together, and then I didn't drain it properly so it was wet, and the sauce was too chunky, and the feta cheese was pretty good. <3 But, anyway, my brother wouldn't eat it. Like, he said it was the most disgusting spaghetti EVER, and then started naming my friends that CAN cook, like Claire and Yee Soo. I think he even named Daniela. o___o And so I had to compensate by making him copious amounts of rich chocolate Ovaltine.
And then I had pie, but it just made me sad. ;____;
Then around nine, my mom called, and there were people in the background screaming at the top of their lungs and laughing, and I'm like, "Where are you?!", and she's like, "In a car, screaming at people!".
So, I NATURALLY assumed that they were all drunk, and then she replied, "No, but we're on our way to a goth bar!".
Greaaat, mom. That's just what I want to hear late at night when I'm alone with my brother on the other side of town.
We've spent the rest of the night playing videogames/computering/watching TV, so it's been pretty calm. Unless you count the (couple of) time(s) I tackleglomped my brother and attempted to make his hair flat.
Speeeeeking of video games, I've been playing the sequel to Champions of Norrath, a PS2 game set in Everquest world. RANDOM FACTS:
I'm playing a female Wood Elf, like I ALWAYS do. Now, these characters are skilled with daggers and bows and such, but I say, "Screw their character traits, she's using a hammer!".
I think I would be better off using a Barbarian tank of some sort, because whenever I play these types of games, I always end up using a skimpily clad Wood Elf, and I always use blunt weapons such as hammers and maces. ALWAYS. I love them. I looooove my blunt weapons. They're so much more satisfying than swords and daggers. <3
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