The Flash RSS reader I'm using is based on ths tutorial from Hyaline Skies, with some slight (though time consuming due to my lack of knowledge of Actionscripting) changes in format to make it fit in my profile and display my Twitter feed correctly.
Why should you care? Well I'm planning on developing the whole thing further so it's a bit more extendable, then releasing the files for other people to use. This means that if you want to put your Twitter, blog, LJ, whatever in your profile, you can. If you want to even effectively turn your profile into a blog, you'll be able to do that too. If you are frustrated with the lack of options with comments, I'm working on having that display in Flash too.
I'm not quite at that point yet, but hopefully I'll get there ^_^ So keep an eye out!
(Bear in mind that this is intended to be more restricted in size - without that it displays to the size of the browser)
In Profile
Twitter feed
Blog feed
Current Functionality
- Displays a single post from a single RSS feed, grabbed from URL
Links to main site and entry
Displays date and time of entry
Truncates body text to 200 characters
Works with Wordpress and Expression Engine RSS feeds
Works with Twitter Atom feeds
Future Functionality
- Grabbing info like colours and character limit from URL so people won't have to edit the Flash file to customise
Display multiple posts
Support for longer titles
Support for Atom feeds such as LiveJournal
Better Internet Explorer support
Links and images within entries
Profile comments RSS feed
Community Member
It would be great if this autoscript / flashrss becomes more developed. If this plan
works( and i know it will ^^), then you have opened a hole new world for us.
Then we can use more creative idea's to make them to reality, plus
no more problems with posting on livejournals, gaia, ect , i think?
Hmm with your Future Functionality I think you can work your swf / jave script
in the .swf file. I dont know for sure but maybe this informatie can be usefull.
Good luck.. ^^