--This journal entry is dedicated to the three jerks in my life. This is mainly for my friends who have moved away and wonder why I hate these people. So now they can all just come here.
--Wow, what can I say to start? The people make me smile. ^^ That's where I'll start. Let's start with the first name on my list.
--Gosh, I haven't thought about her in years...Let's start back in seventh grade. Okay, so we had our own little circle of friends. It was me and my two best friends, Amber and Alyssa, and then Kristen, Melissa, Lindsey, and Adam. Well, Kristen didn't like how my life was soooo perfect at the time. So she went and made a bunch of fake IMs in Microsoft Word on her computer. Contained in the fake IMs, I had been cussing to her about how much I 'hated' my life and my friends. Well, she brought them to school and the only ones who believed me when I said I didn't write them, We amber and Alyssa. Amber knew I would never say such things about her, and Alyssa laughed when I consistantly spelt our names wrong. My middle name is Alyssa, so she laughed when her name was spelt like 'Allsa' consantly. Melissa didn't belive me until after the summer of 8th grade when Kristen did the same thing and stole her boyfriend. Lindsey was never really in the IMs, but she hted Kristen to start off with, so she didn't believe Kristen. Then there was a time after all this had started that Adam threw Kristens violin at my head. I had a HUGE welt on my forehead, and Kristen went home and said I threw the violin at HER and she had a bruise on her head. Well, two problems with that. I was the one with the bruise on my head for 2 weeks, and, she never had a bruise! Then, this time in 6th grade, a girl in our class got her this amazingly cute outfit from Abercrombie, but since it was a skirt, she threw it away right in front of her.I started to call her a guy in seventh grade when we were fighting, and noww she Dyed her blond har brown, cut it like mine, has the same bookbag, binders, and cloths. It's annoying. -looks back at long paragraph- Holy ----!
-- rofl Okay, this has got to be my favourite ^^. Okay so it all started when I was in...hmm...8th grade? Yeah. Okay so I was her friend and we would talk alot, but then she started to become friends with this girl Ashlie. Well, I didn't mind that, cause, you know, I'm not her only friend. But then she stopped talking to me all together. It didn't bother me at first, but then when I WOULD get to talk to her, Ashlie would arrive and she'd stop mid-sentance and leave to go talk to her. I brushed it off, like, the first five times she did it. The I started getting mad and stopped talking to her. She didn't notice for a while, but then one day she asked me a question and I ignored her. She followed me arround saying "I'm sorry for what ever I did. Please forgive me". Well, the first two times she did this, I forgave her. Then the last time I decided I didn't want tot be her friend. One day I was talking to another one of my friends, Katrina, and we were talking about how Kristen (person above this one) was an honest DUMB BLOND. Well, Katee and Ashlie, being self centered as they are, thought we were talking about them. They got pissed at us and took revenge. Now two years before this I had started a tradition. At the recitals me and 3 friends would sit at the 4 spots in the back of the dressing rooms. Well, Katee joined us the next year, and then this year she decided to kick me out. Hah. I started screaming at her (there was no one else up there) and cuss words were slipping from my mouth. I thought I had gotten the message across that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. Well, I told her to get her own traditions and to stop trying to be like me because I'm unique. Well, a year later she declares "We are officially no longer friends!" I burst out laughing, I was like "I said that last year!" NOW She's just pissing me off to no end. It's quite funny actually. She pushing my sister into getting a MySpace, which if she succeeds and my sister gets one, I'll tell my parents that Katee forced my sister to get one. But I'll twist it and say Katee made it for her. Well, then she starts saying "Stop reading manga and watching anime, you don't know the things I've heard about that stuff, I don't want you to get hurt". What is it? A DRUG? Well, a healthy one at least blaugh AND THEN She tells my sister to keep her learning Japanese a secrect because it's "not cool". Well, now this is what makes me mad, I haven't talked to/about her in months. Well, she decideds to make it all my fault. "I don't want you to end up friendless like kim...listen to me!" and "You don't hear how people at my shchool talk about Kim!" I started laughing, I was like "YOUR LITTLE SCHOOL FRIENDS DON'T EVEN ******** KNOW ME!!" She really has no idea how many friends I have. I'm dreading making my invite list for my sweet sixteen party. If I'm only alowed 15, I know who it will be. But if I can invite as many as I want, I have like 25-30! lol. She must be happy she doesn't go to my school cause I would've kicked her a** already.
--A good example of a Dumb Blond. She goes and tells this other NICE SMART blonds boyfriend that I'm "prejudice against blonds". We were on track at the time and he comes up and asks me that. My friends and I all laugh. I was walking around the track with Alyssa (blond), Spencer (blond), Morgan (blond), Brittney (blond), Amanda (blond), and Tommy (asian cool ) We all started cracking up and then ran the rest of the way. My friends were teasing me like, "Why didn't you tell me you WHORE!" it funny. My teacher, whop had heard it and he's blond, was like "Kim, shame on you! Go sit in the corner!!" he was joking. Well, I know Ashlie is the one on this screen name DoodleWALLUS (feel free to sign it up for porn) and she's like "Would you scared if I was in your closet?" I was like "Hell, I'd bee in there with you, poking the s**t out of you with a god damned hanger!" :rofl.: Ashlie thinks I have no chance of getting on the elite team. Well, sorry, but my trainer(s) are Mattie and Kara is sometimes there ^^. Mattie choreographed my dance UBER AMAZING! Well, one day, me and a friend were on our way to all-team, and she was like "Omg! Ashlie said one day 'I'm going on a diet, I fat. My cheer firends think so too.'" We were laughing until we saw her, then we were like "eww". You could see her spine, her ribs, and her shoulder blades. It was sooo gross. She's gotta be anorexic by now...
--Well, there ya have it! Have fun, and don't forget to sign DoodleWALLUS up for porn!
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Welcome to my journal! I have alot of thoughts about things. If I say something in here you don't like, you can argue it, but don't be rude or call names. If you do argue, please be civil. Just state your opinion/side and I'll look it over. I am very random and fun to be with. If I mention anime couples you think are "noob couples", leave it. I don't think there are such things. What these couples are, are called "Opinions"! lol.

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WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...