&table style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; background-color: white;"&&tr&&td colspan="2" style="background: white; color: black; padding: 5px;"&&b style="font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;"&The Naruto Ninja Rank Quiz</b> &div style="font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 4px;"&Your Result: <b>Chuunin</b>&/div&&div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black;"&&div style="width: 62%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"&&&/div&&/div&&p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;"&You are a Chuunin.
You are a Chuunin, a fairly expertised and responsible middle ranked ninja.
Fellow Chuunins include Umino Iruka, a sensei at the academy.&/p&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;"&Genin&/td&&td style="background: white; padding: 3px;"&&div style="width: 100px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 4px;"&&div style="width: 45%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"&&&/div&&/div&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;"&Jounin&/td&&td style="background: white; padding: 3px;"&&div style="width: 100px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 4px;"&&div style="width: 43%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"&&&/div&&/div&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; padding: 8px;"&&a href="http://www.gotoquiz.com/the_naruto_ninja_rank_quiz"&<b>The Naruto Ninja Rank Quiz</b>&/a&<br>&a href="http://www.gotoquiz.com/"&Quizzes for MySpace&/a&&/td&&/tr&&/table&

Gaara.... Love Death.. *shivers*
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u guy would be....GAARA
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UR name is Yuri!power: twilight( i love twilight)name means lily
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ok ur name is Akane means deep red ur bff is sakura family: two sisters and 1 bro mother father passed away in battle
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Wrath: Garra
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@_@ GARRA @_@you spin the bottle and it lands on garra, he gives you a glare an evil glare you walk up to him pray - please dont let him kill me PLEASE yet your think YESS I GET TO KISS HIM HE SO SMEXY!- you kneel down and lean for a kiss but he turns his head your upset you start walking to your seat BUT then you feel garra grabing your hand then pulling you down on top of him and kisses you. you blush like crazy and people gasping that garra actually kissed you you walk back to your seat smileing BIG.
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Gaara. Death obsessed.
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You got Gaara
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your blind date is gaara!!!!enjoy your date!!!!=P ^^your name:yumiage:13(like the others not the shipuuden series)personality:giggly, bubble, happy all the opposite that gaara is yet you have a similar past to him but withought the demon you were just hated for being so cute in you family!!!its saturday night and your friends just finished telling you that that they set you up with a blind date tonight you happy yet really shy you were that way when you new boys were around you for a reason other then just hangning out so you skipped all the way home you went upstairs and toook a shower then dried your hair you were about to get ready when you heard the phone ring you anwsered it!you:hello!voice:hello...i am your date be ready for 6:30!then he hong up you thought it was kinda weird but kept geting ready anywais you were finally done(imagine what your wearing i dont no what you like so be creative)lickily you were fast at geting ready cuz the doorbell rang and it was just 6 you anwsere the door and there stood the poor misunderstood gaara of the sand you were kinda glad that it was him in some way you made it a goal to make hmi smile on your date!!!gaara:come!you surprised ooookkkkk!!!!*big smile*hewas kinda surprised that you smiled so hapily at him but he went back to normal when you waved your hand infront of him and said you werent afraid of him!you guys landed up going to a beutiful watterfall you swam abit as he watched you then he told you to come out and eat you did as he said when you finsihed changing and came back you saw a huge picnicyou were in aw!!!you:wow did you make all this it looks delicious!!!!!!gaara:*blushes* yes...after you guys ait you convinced gaara to go swimming eventually you guys exanged pasted and he was in pizzlement when you tod him yours he didint no how you were so happy but you insisted that being mad and sad wasint the way to live he finally opened up to and you guys talked for the rest of the night!!!!!you fell asleep siting down and fell on gaaras shoulders he turned around to see you sleeping just then he smiled you somehow new he did so you smiled nowing you had accomplished your goal!!!!!he brought you into your room and pecked you on the lips before leaving and left a rose made of sand in your hand...i hope you like it cuz i worked hard on it so please rate and message!!!!!=P ^^
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So....my name is now Yumi.....oh well Azoo~ At least it's nice!
You are a Chuunin, a fairly expertised and responsible middle ranked ninja.
Fellow Chuunins include Umino Iruka, a sensei at the academy.&/p&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;"&Genin&/td&&td style="background: white; padding: 3px;"&&div style="width: 100px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 4px;"&&div style="width: 45%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"&&&/div&&/div&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;"&Jounin&/td&&td style="background: white; padding: 3px;"&&div style="width: 100px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 4px;"&&div style="width: 43%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"&&&/div&&/div&&/td&&/tr&&tr&&td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; padding: 8px;"&&a href="http://www.gotoquiz.com/the_naruto_ninja_rank_quiz"&<b>The Naruto Ninja Rank Quiz</b>&/a&<br>&a href="http://www.gotoquiz.com/"&Quizzes for MySpace&/a&&/td&&/tr&&/table&

Gaara.... Love Death.. *shivers*
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u guy would be....GAARA
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UR name is Yuri!power: twilight( i love twilight)name means lily
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ok ur name is Akane means deep red ur bff is sakura family: two sisters and 1 bro mother father passed away in battle
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Wrath: Garra
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@_@ GARRA @_@you spin the bottle and it lands on garra, he gives you a glare an evil glare you walk up to him pray - please dont let him kill me PLEASE yet your think YESS I GET TO KISS HIM HE SO SMEXY!- you kneel down and lean for a kiss but he turns his head your upset you start walking to your seat BUT then you feel garra grabing your hand then pulling you down on top of him and kisses you. you blush like crazy and people gasping that garra actually kissed you you walk back to your seat smileing BIG.
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Gaara. Death obsessed.
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You got Gaara
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your blind date is gaara!!!!enjoy your date!!!!=P ^^your name:yumiage:13(like the others not the shipuuden series)personality:giggly, bubble, happy all the opposite that gaara is yet you have a similar past to him but withought the demon you were just hated for being so cute in you family!!!its saturday night and your friends just finished telling you that that they set you up with a blind date tonight you happy yet really shy you were that way when you new boys were around you for a reason other then just hangning out so you skipped all the way home you went upstairs and toook a shower then dried your hair you were about to get ready when you heard the phone ring you anwsered it!you:hello!voice:hello...i am your date be ready for 6:30!then he hong up you thought it was kinda weird but kept geting ready anywais you were finally done(imagine what your wearing i dont no what you like so be creative)lickily you were fast at geting ready cuz the doorbell rang and it was just 6 you anwsere the door and there stood the poor misunderstood gaara of the sand you were kinda glad that it was him in some way you made it a goal to make hmi smile on your date!!!gaara:come!you surprised ooookkkkk!!!!*big smile*hewas kinda surprised that you smiled so hapily at him but he went back to normal when you waved your hand infront of him and said you werent afraid of him!you guys landed up going to a beutiful watterfall you swam abit as he watched you then he told you to come out and eat you did as he said when you finsihed changing and came back you saw a huge picnicyou were in aw!!!you:wow did you make all this it looks delicious!!!!!!gaara:*blushes* yes...after you guys ait you convinced gaara to go swimming eventually you guys exanged pasted and he was in pizzlement when you tod him yours he didint no how you were so happy but you insisted that being mad and sad wasint the way to live he finally opened up to and you guys talked for the rest of the night!!!!!you fell asleep siting down and fell on gaaras shoulders he turned around to see you sleeping just then he smiled you somehow new he did so you smiled nowing you had accomplished your goal!!!!!he brought you into your room and pecked you on the lips before leaving and left a rose made of sand in your hand...i hope you like it cuz i worked hard on it so please rate and message!!!!!=P ^^
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So....my name is now Yumi.....oh well Azoo~ At least it's nice!