Just In Case You Can't Read it I Typed it below each pic..

Caption: Featuring In.. What Working out does for Bread.. Particularly Burnt...

Caption: Kogepan Decided He Needed Muscles
Kogepan Thinking in mind: I need muscles.. Then I could force all the other Pans to leave me alone..
Sound Effect: Rumble Rumble - Screech
Caption: So he Started Working Out...
Kogepan (In Order): ONEEEEEE!!! *Urgh*, COMON!! 2!! GOING FOR 2!! This Isn't so bad.. *Crack* Ugh..

Caption: Time to see the results of his hard working exercises..
Kogepan Thinks in Head: Weird.. I look the Same... Maybe I have to give it a day...
Caption: One Day passes and Kogepan goes to see his anticipated muscles

Sound Effects: BAMM!! How Do Ya Like Me NOW!!!
Kogepan: Never Expected that to happen...
Sound Effect: Crowd Gathers...
Kogepan: What are you looking at!!??
Caption: .......
Kenji Akira · Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 06:46am · 0 Comments |