Me, me, me ,me ,me
On My Birth Certificate It Says;
Issac Allen Fox Bell
But Call Me;
Is' Al or Fox
I'm This Many...;
ten years old
I Came Into This World On;
November 9th
I'm a...;
a boy
I'm Into The...;
My Ride;
Very Pricey and It opens like this
My Best Friend;
Ondine Pixie
I'm Madly In Love With;
he mayors eldest Daughter
EEK! Give It To Me;
Warm to hot cranberry Juice, Fruit, Meats, Soccer and Archery, Finding a Good Fantasy book, Cool weather, Dance and Rock music, Approval.
EW! Get It Away;
getting sick, Not being able o find a good book, Hot and humid weather, Most cooked veggies, Dirt and germs, country music, Certain life styles.
I write It In My Journal;
I may be the youngest family member of this Kin group but I am one of the most mature. You would expect me to be scratch up or bruised. Nope After what happened to me years ago I do all I can to stay perfect. I was born healthy though most of my infancy and toddlerhood was plagued with illness after illness. Infections, Nerve problems, flus, weak bones a least a year, and a sids scare. I was called by my siblings for a few year Child of Bills and Neglect. My sibling hate all the attention I got Just because I was sick and fragile. It not my fault I was genetically flawed. A age 2 My paren took me to a nu house to be check over. Boy did hey mess up. Mom felt bad when she went along with the pyschologist's idea of Me being an attenion hog. I just learned to comfor myself and sleep through pain.
I have a good case of Mysophobia. So the house and my school is pretty clean. Anyways, at school I friends to Nerds, Geeks, couple of outcast and the mayors eldest Daughter who sits right next to me in class. I make good grades.
I'm Always Like That;
I would say burn in hell for getting into my business but that wouldn't be poliet. I mean you did ask (did you).I am normally calm cool and collective. I do get easily frustrated much like the man of the house. I am brains over Brawns. I have my childish moments where I taunt and tease my siblings. I catch you degrading my family honor or just a girls expect trouble .
Oh Yeah! I Forgot!;
About 4 years ago I got sick with the yearly flu. I was out of commission for a week. Well it was my eldest sister birthday. My sister was a a friends and Mom took the other's shopping for birthday supplies. Dad who had a horriable week was finally home and was asked to care of me. He got a bit abusive though he doesn't remember it. Mom never learned of it though she think something happened because I never acted the same since she came home. It's the reason I rather allow dad to rule my life totally and go through a these stupid sports than to be home alone with him
My Role;
Youngest son
The Real Me;