My Slump
I am sitting here all alone in the computer lab at school at my favorite computer...and when I say alone I mean alone.....there are only 3 other kids in here and thay are not on the computer so I am alone. Mentally and physically. I am in a slump....I mean it. A slump. I feel every alone much of the time now-a-days. *sigh* Thats why I am sososososososososososososo excited for drama stuff because then I am not alone in my own mind.....there are others around me that thing the same way I do. You know I almost think that is why I get obsessive over things. I'm lonley. Being an only child is not always a good thing, ya know. I just want someone to always always be there for me when I need it the most and say that they care and ARE there for me, not just when I am sad or crying. Someone who will always treat me like I am upset and tell me how much they like me and that they really will ALWAYS be there to catch me when I fall. I dunno, I'm in a